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Can you believe that 2013 is half over? Wow! Time goes by quickly doesn’t it?
Now that July is here, it’s a great time to review the goals that you set for yourself or your family in January. July is also a great time to set goals for the upcoming school year. Most people are finished with the previous year and even if summertime learning is still occurring, the days are a bit less hectic. There is a little more time for reflection on the previous year as well time to think ahead about specific goals for the coming homeschool year.
We have been pretty diligent about creating goals as a family each January. Putting our goals in a prominent place where we can review them daily has been extremely helpful. I realized I needed to do the same for our homeschool.
Homeschool Goals
Keep in mind that the goals don’t have to be strictly academic. Most of us homeschool for far more reasons than just academics. Goals can be related to tasks around the home, such as making simple meals, learning to do laundry and other household activities.
I think for some people writing down goals feels discouraging instead of encouraging. What if I don’t meet my goals? No one wants to feel like a failure and stare at something everyday that hasn’t been accomplished. However, if you look at goal setting as a tool to help chart your course, it makes a lot more sense. Goal setting can help prioritize your activities throughout the year and keep focus in your homeschool.
Goals Can Focus Your Homeschool
For instance, if one of our goals for one of our children is to start learning more about finances and money management, we are going to look for a classes, books, and other opportunities that support that goal, and take a pass on a class that is about car repair. Not that the class about car repair is bad, it just doesn’t meet our objective or our goal for that particular year.
When you sit down to start brainstorming goals, it can be helpful to first and foremost pray for discernment. Next, ask your children what areas they feel need work or what skills they want to be more confident about, and what subjects they would like to delve into more deeply.
Remember if you don’t set a few concrete goals, how can you see how far you have come at the end of the year? Do yourself a favor a take a few minutes to create concrete goals for your homeschool.
Goal Setting Resources
The planner I’m using this year, The Ultimate Homeschool Planner, has a specific spot to jot down goals for my children – all six of them!
Goal Planning Sheets for Students - Many to choose from
Goal Setting Worksheets
Goals & Objectives
Goal Planning Sheet
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