Summer is in full swing and so is homeschool planning. I have selected 10 of my favorite homeschool planning related Pinterest boards to make the job of planning easy and painless. You still might need some chocolate though – these are helps, I’m not a miracle worker!
Homeschooling Planning and Scheduling – A group board with over 200 pins!
Homeschool Planning with Pam – Pam even offers an ebook on step by step instructions for planning your year!
Angie @ Real Life at Home has a great board with Homeschool Planning and Organization
Planning with Heather @ Blog She Wrote – this particular pin shows how she plans with a simple spiral notebook!
My personal board for Homeschool Planning – one of my favorite topics!
Homeschool Planners on Pinterest
FREE Homeschool Planners a collection by Amy @ Are We There Yet?
Penny @ Our Crazy Adventures in Autismland has a great board called Homeschool Planners with lots of planning resources.
Homeschool Planners – more scheduling and planning resources
Homeschool Organization with Pinterest
An important part of planning is being organized! – Stephanie has a great Pinterest board with lots of ideas for a Well Ordered Homeschool
Homeschool Organization – more great ideas for taming that chaos that can ensue with homeschooling “stuff”
Now you can organize, plan and schedule ’til your heart’s content!
Thanks Jen!
Check out this downloadable buying list to make your curriculum buying more organized. Especially at those Used Homeschool Book Fairs that are a madhouse!
Printable/Downloadable Homeschool Curriculum Buying Organizational Spreadsheet
I also offer different ways to find inexpensive used curriculum!
Elaine @SuperRadWriter
I’m going to spend some time looking at these!!
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