The Bible (always reading)
1) The Company of Cheerful Ladies by Alexander McCall Smith
2) Educating the Whole Hearted Child by Sally Clarkson (should have waited for the updated version due out this summer!)
3) Homeschooling with a Meek & Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell
~The main point of this book is that without a personal relationship with Jesus, it is impossible to have a meek and quiet spirit with which to teach and train our children. Finding that quiet time for personal prayer is essential. She gives tips on how to spend personal prayer time as well as tips on how to avoid meek and quiet spirit "robbers". She also includes many stories from her own life as well as a few letters from readers of their discussion board. A short book, that contains many good reminders for a more fruitful and peaceful homeschool day.
4) Write These Laws on Your Children by Robert Kunzman
~This book is written by a non-homeschooling parent. He spends considerable time with several different families examining how they homeschool, what curriculum they use, and of course how they "socialize". His main point of research though is how and if homeschooling is raising civic minded people. Are homeschooled children given the opportunity to see another worldview, or are they stifled by their parents beliefs? A fairly balanced and accurate portrayal of homeschool families, however I am glad I did not get it from the book store, but rather checked it out from the library.
5) Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas
~I really enjoyed this book. Not a parenting "how-to", but a book that talks about how God uses parenting and our children to shape and challenge us in our faith walk. "Through sacred parenting we learn to act courageously, regardless of how afraid we may feel. And when we step out in faith, we allow God to shape our souls in ways that will develop us far beyond the parenting part of our lives" (p.97)
6) Dancing with My Father: How God Leads Us into a Life of Grace and Joy
I hate to say it, but I didn't love this book. I had very high expectations and they just didn't match up with the book. I guess it was a bit redundant and it continued to say the same things over and over, just in a different way. Basically have joy and be joyful regardless of the circumstances of our life. We can find joy in any situation and God has certainly created us to delight in Him. I did enjoy reading about the personal stories that were throughout the book. I am still very much looking forward to reading The Mission of Motherhood, also by Sally Clarkson.
7) The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child's Heart for Eternity
8) Beloved
9) The Three R's
10) Dr. Beechick's Homeschool Answer Book
11) One Blood
12) Simplicity Parenting
13) Miserly Moms
14) Healthy Meals for Less
15) Helen Keller
16) Growing up Black in White interesting look at transracial adoption from the adoptees perspective
17) The Language Wars
18) Quirky Kids
19) Anna Karenina
20) No Turning Back
21) The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
22) Simplify Your Life - ready my review here
23) Dressing with Dignity
24) Kimchi & Calamari
25) You Can Teach Your Child Successfully
26) Wild Fire
27) Sarah Palin
28) Geometry of Sisters
29) Home Schooling Children with Special Needs
30) Brothers and Sister in Adoption
31) Gifted and Graced
32) The Domestic Church: Room by Room
33) Mrs. Dunwoody's Excellent Instruction for Homekeeping
34) Moving a Puddle Essays by Sandra Dodd on Unschooling
35) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
36) Lazy B
37) Stories for the Homeschool Heart
38) Freshwater Road
39) Lucky Girl
40) The Blessing
41) Rebuild my Church
42) Friday Night Knitting Club
43) Knit Two
44) Knit the Season
45) Free - Range Knitter

These books look great, Jen. Especially the last 3 you mention. Will you write reviews after your read them? I'd like to hear more.
I have read the Wholehearted Child one and found that to be a great resource!
Great suggestion! I think I can manage a short recap :) Stay tuned.
great list of books. I'm reading a few of those too. I always enjoy seeing what other like-minded moms are reading, so i can include them on my TBR list.
I love your list!! I just got a Kindle (yipee!) and am very excited to see what I can find to read on there.
I am interested to read what you think of Brideshead Revisited when you get to it. It really is one of my all time favorite reads. I did struggle through the first few chapters though.
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