I wanted to start the family story series with a very special family. Â When we started our process for our oldest child we met a couple through a required home study informational meeting. Â They were using the same placing agency and were interested in adopting from Russia, just as we were. Â Imagine our surprise when we ran into them while in Moscow! Â Turns out our new sons were born on the same day and were in the same orphanage. Â I am so glad they were willing to share their story. Â Here is a photo of Jacob and Cameron from a few years ago at an agency picnic. Â Such handsome boys!

Here is Cameron’s family’s story:
First, please give a brief overview of your family: Â how many children, how old they are etc.
3 children. 2 oldest are biological – Girl almost 16, Boy 14, Boy 9
1. What led you to adoption? We wanted a 3rd child, but pregnancy wasn’t happening. I felt instantly drawn to international adoption after seeing a scrapbook of a family with 2 bio boys and a little girl adopted in Romania. I knew that was what I wanted to do from that moment on!Â
2. What was most helpful in the beginning of your journey? Our home study social worker Wendy and Claire at the EAC office. Oh yes….we lived to read the European Adoption News memory books…. I memorized the stories of every family in those books. It gave us hope that it would really happen for us too!Â
3.  What were/are your favorite adoption resources? The book The Russian Adoption Handbook by John H. Maclean, the European Adoption News (EAC’s memory books) which was our nightly reading as we read the adoption stories over and over and over again, and lastly, the Rainbow Kids website
4.  How did you fund your adoption? Personal savings and a cash-out refinance of our home.
5.  Why did you choose International/Domestic/Foster? International – because we wanted a baby within a definite time frame. We choseRussia because we wanted a Caucasian child younger than 1 year old.Â
6.  Anything you would say to encourage those still on the fence? Go for it! It is scary, confusing and a HUGE leap of faith, but it is so worth it. Nine years later we more firmly believe that our family would not be complete without our son and we believe that he was meant to be our son from the beginning. Many people are concerned with the cost of international adoption, but even that amount 9 years later is so so insignificant when you compare it to gift we have. As I told my husband….a car or a baby…easy decision huh? Â
7.  Any adjustments/challenges with your child/children  No adjustment bringing him home at all. It was a wonderful time for all of us. The only major challenge with him has been his eating. He is a very picky eater and always has been. He went through occupational therapy for a year (at age 4) to assist with expanding his food choices and lessening his fear of trying new foods. It helped greatly. They said he had a mild case of “tactile defensiveness” which is a sensory integration issue. He is very strong willed and always has been. We have no idea if either of these issues has any relevance to his being in an orphanage for the first 6 months. Both issues are improving and he always has been very healthy. We have been so blessed with our son.
8.  What was your biggest fear? That I would not love him like I loved my two older children. That we had a “perfect” set up at home with 2 healthy kids and that how could we be so blessed and lucky to have a third child that was healthy and everything work out just as well with adding a new baby adopted from an orphanage in Russia without any social or medical history??? What am I doing???? I prayed over and over again during our adoption process “Lord, let me see him with your eyes and love him with your heart.” My prayers were answered the moment my husband and I laid eyes on him and held him. Our video shows us repeating over and over again…”Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus….he is so perfect, oh thank you, Jesus!” We were so relieved that all our prayers were answered in that moment.Â
9.  What has been your greatest blessing? Cameron Dmitry  :) He is an awesome kid!!!Â
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