What We Are Reading→
Rebuild my Church
(working on a book review for December)
On my Kindle: The Rosary
Bob is reading The Hobbit
to the boys
with the girls
On My Waiting to be Read Pile:
Theology of the Body for Beginners
Jane Eyre
Brideshead Revisited
Tea Time→ We skipped our tea time snack this week as we have been on the Halloween Treat diet. Ice cream definitely wasn’t necessary, however we did end up eating ice cream for desert with Apple Crisp! We are still discussing “work” in P.A.C.E. They started memorizing the poem “Leaves” by Elsie N. Brady
Happenings→ We are off to the airport tonight, my sister, BIL, and newest nephew are finally set for their arrival!
November is National Adoption Month

you can grab the button for your blog over on the left side bar. More family stories are on the way for the month as well as adoption resources. Don't forget to enter the drawing for a free book of your choice!
Discovery Time→
Basic Skills Unit: We are still working our way through The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
. We are still enjoying the book very much and can’t believe how different it is from the movie. I think the movie is going to be a disappointment to them!
Jacob ~ Religion, Math Journal, Vocabulary, Phonics, Map Skills, Nature Reader and Nate the Great books
Jonah ~ Religion, Handwriting, Phonics, MUS, Bob Books, he has been busy writing notes
Sarah ~ Religion, Handwriting, Phonics, MUS, Bob Books, Word Searches
Along the Alphabet Path: - I is for Insect and St. Ignatius. We enjoyed these books, Insect Alphabet
, Insect Detective
, and for Thanksgiving fun, P is for Pilgrim
and The Very First Thanksgiving Day
. We watched a Magic School Bus dvd called Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!
We did a very simple letter I craft. I got the idea from Stacey at BraininTrainin. I modified it to fit I is for Insect and I even had all the craft supplies on hand.
just being goofy...
We used a coloring page of St. Ignatius from Paper Dali.
We have really been enjoying going Along the Alphabet Path with Serendipity. I love the flexibility and ease of use. We have been using the core books each week. The written story on flowers and fairies, Letters from Heaven, An Alphabet of Catholic Saints, Book of Saints, and Book of Heroes.
Each week I can decide to use the suggested books from the site or go on our own and do what is relevant to our family. For instance in a couple of weeks "K" will be all about Korea and we are very much looking forward to that week. I can be as crafty or not as crafty as time and our week allows. Same with the kitchen treats. The structure is there with lots of wiggle room to do what my particular kids are interested in. We love it!
I am thankful for...the opportunity to be home with my children.
Don't forget to link up your week! Link back to me and then take a moment to visit the other great blogs that are linked up and leave a comment. Have a great weekend.

Like you "I" craft ;)!
SO happy to see you are finally going to get to meet your nephew! Definitely lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!
Thanks for hosting the link up :)
Sorry I posted my link twice. Darn. It didn't show up the first time so I didn't think it went through.
At any rate, you need to tell me how you like the Church renewal book. It sounds so interesting! And the book you are reading to the girls sounds like something Ester and Mabel would like to read.
Isn't it amazing how fast this school year is passing by? Enjoy your weekend and give your new nephew a big hug and kiss from us!
HI Jen!
Your week looked busy and fun! I'm amazed how you seem to get so much accomplished in your school week (and blog about it too) with all your little ones! I feel like I'm just trying to keep my head above water to keep up with homeschooling my "cupcakes".
Thanks for linking up again for our Thankful Hearts blog hop!
Have a blessed weekend!
Hi Jen - I stumbled upon your blog from Adventures of Arbor Creek. You have a beautiful family! Nice to "meet" you! :)
Your week always inspires me! The goofy kids picture is the best.
I am so happy for your family that your sister is on her way home with her precious little boy!! What an amazing journey.
I am not sure I am going to be able to link up this week- I am going to try to get to it tonight. If not, I'll be back next week. :)
I LOVE reading about your week! It inspires me~
What a fun and busy week. Thank you for linking up to our Thankful Hearts blog hop again. God bless you and your family.
That is an awesome thing to be thankful for!
Stopping by from the Thankful Hearts Blog Hop!
Hey, you were nominated for the homeschool blog awards! Congratulations! :)
Lori-I did happen to see that - wow! that's an honor for sure :)
So Happy I found you through the Hop today. I actually have a little plaque/ decorative piece on my mantle with the words "Forever & Always~ No Matter What" So I was instantly drawn to your blog. Following you now.
So Happy I found you through the Hop today. I actually have a little plaque/ decorative piece on my mantle with the words "Forever & Always~ No Matter What" So I was instantly drawn to your blog. Following you now.
HI Jen!
Your week looked busy and fun! I'm amazed how you seem to get so much accomplished in your school week (and blog about it too) with all your little ones! I feel like I'm just trying to keep my head above water to keep up with homeschooling my "cupcakes".
Thanks for linking up again for our Thankful Hearts blog hop!
Have a blessed weekend!
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