Family Read Alouds ::
During the Day Reads ~ Taking a break from Five Children and It to read selections from First Communion Days
To the boys ~ The Hobbitt
To the girls ~ Papa Piccolo
My Reading List ::
The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur
Around the Kitchen :: We didn’t have Tea Time this week, but we did have a couple of things that start with “O”, baked oatmeal and Oatmeal Apple Muffins. We made tortillas again and Jacob made Peanut Butter Cookies, by himself from start to finish. He also made heart shaped pancakes for the girls!
Winter Outings :: Our schedule changed a bit this week. Same activities, just a switch around of days, and I think it will suite us well for winter and spring.
Pondered Thoughts :: “Our education system teaches students how to feel, not how to think”
Education :: We talked about Martin Luther King Jr on Monday. We read a bit about him, did a couple of sheets from Enchanted Learning, and read a great book called Sister Anne’s Hands
Jacob ~ Horizons, Nate the Great books, Handwriting/Copywork, Vocabulary
Jonah ~ MUS, Top Readers series, Handwriting, Copywork, Phonics
Sarah ~ MUS, all kinds of easy readers and two Curious George books, Handwriting, Phonics

Leah working on fine-motor skills
Along the Alphabet Path: - Letter “O” Week ~ O week as all about Owls. We started out reading Owl Moon
and the owl theme took off from there. We then read several owl books: Hoot
, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark
, Whoo-oo is it?
We practiced the letter O in sign language and it just so happens that owl is one of their very favorite signs!
They colored an owl coloring page and made an owl craft. This was a good opportunity to work on scissor skills in a productive way as opposed to let's say, cutting hair.....I read an article recently about the correlation between early scissor skills and reading readiness ~ very interesting.
Please join in and share your week! Have a great weekend.

Thanks for sharing your week. =) Those owls are adorable. Love your updates!
Letter "O" week looks fun. I love the owl project! My boys also loved learning sign language with their alphabet- their favorite sign was for elephant.
I have looked at "Sister Anne's Hands" several times to purchase, but had not heard anything about it. I will have to put that on our wish list.
I would also love to know what you think of the First Communion book that your family is reading.
Thanks for sharing your week!
We LOVE Owl Moon. Makes me wish I was that child in the book. Truly magical!
I like the fine motor skills activity as well.
And Jacob is baking! Way to go..and how sweet that he made heart-shaped pancakes for his sisters. Wow!
Have a fab weekend!
We just loved Sister Anne's Hands. We made the craft outlining K-Doodles hands all over a page and then coloring the hands all different colors. Just like our beautiful world of people. All different colors.
Owl craft is so cute and we make baked oatmeal too! One of our family favorites. I am going to overlook those yummy cookies because I have to start losing weight! Looks like a great week.
Oooo, the cookies and pancakes look oh so good! And the owls are adorable! Have a great weekend and thanks for linking up another of your great post to No Ordinary Blog Hop!
Jen, it looks like you had a great week. Jacob should sell those cookies they look so good. Thank you for linking to No Ordinary Blog Hop. What a wonderful post! Have a great weekend.
Great owl pictures. And great looking cookies. I don't get to eat peanut butter anymore due to children's allergies. I miss them:) Thanks for linking up to NOBH:)
I love all your ideas and books for the owl unit study. those books sound great. they are going on my list! hsve you read Owl Babies? paperback. just adorable. we love it here.
Heart pancakes for the girls- precious! I linked over from the Hip Homeschool Hop.
Oooo, the cookies and pancakes look oh so good! And the owls are adorable! Have a great weekend and thanks for linking up another of your great post to No Ordinary Blog Hop!
Thanks for sharing your week. =) Those owls are adorable. Love your updates!
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