For Jonah's birthday in April, we bought him the book Tin Cups & Tinder: A Catholic Boy's Little Book of Fire, Food and Fun. I was thrilled to find a project book geared toward nature loving boys. The first project? making a Haversack. This was to be a father son endeavor, I got out the necessary supplies and then left strict instructions to take pictures!
Their able bodied assistant...
This nature boy is ready to go!

Do you have a boy that loves crafty projects?
Linking today at NOBH and Works for me Wednesday.

How nifty! Great job, Jonah!
love it!
what a great project. especially re-using some old kahki pants. greawt job Dad and Jonah! (I too leave strict instructions for my hubby to take pictures, and somehow it doesn't happen!)
Will you please pray for my family? My husband and I's profile is being shown to an agency choosing a family for a beautiful little girl born on the 28th of June. Thank you.
Mary Elizabeth
I was reading your post this morning and I said "Oh wow, cool!" and my husband said, "can I be nosy and ask what you are reading?" So I showed him your post and the book and he said, "oh wow, cool!" We are getting a book because we have three XY children and they love nature and they will love this book. :)
Fabulous Father-Son endeavor! That's one mighty cool haversack:)
Hi - just letting you know that I posted on you today:
Kimberlie- I know you will really enjoy the book!
Mary Elizabeth- absolutely! Keep us posted.
How much fun for Jonah!!! And I love that Dad helped out with this and not Mom. What a great gift idea, Jen. Stan is really still in the cut and paste mode, but he will soon need a book like that!
We have that book! We have not made anything yet, but I am glad to see that your son had fun making something. I love that this book has so many "boy" ideas.
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