Around the House :: Â We’ve had a busy week. Â We’re prepping for cousins to move, so we have spent extra time with them, and of course we have had soccer. Â Soccer games start this weekend.
The one night we didn’t have soccer, Jonah had his first pack meeting. Â He was so excited to be wearing his uniform! Â He is thoroughly enjoying cub scouts and so is Bob, this looks to be a great fit for both of them.

In the Kitchen :: Â We made chicken fingers and butterscotch pudding per the FIAR cookbook, for Andy and the Lion. Â When I posted a Mexican Rice recipe, Mary posted a recipe {in the comments}for chicken nuggets that she made in her dutch oven. Â The recipe is supposed to be a knock off of Chick Fil A’s nuggets. Â We don’t have Chick Fil A’s in our area, but the kids said they were better than McDonald’s.
Learning :: Â Learning with the younger kids was a bit disrupted with the broken arm and all. Â We are still working on recognizing numbers 0-6 and recognizing letters A-F. Â Sandpaper letters have been invaluable to me this year. Â Plus, I just watched a short presentation on how tracing letters/numbers with a finger is so much more helpful than tracing with a pencil.
FIAR :: Â This week we read Andy and the Lion. Â This was a story we could get into! Â We found many go along books like Mirette on the High Wire (which also tied into our 9/11 study), The Lion with The Little Red Bird, and we read the Aesop Fable, Lion and the Mouse.
We spent a good deal of time talking about lions and where they live.
The kids cut and pasted a picture of a lion and the map of Africa.
Paths of Exploration ::
We started an easy experiment to test the suns rays and see which would make water evaporate more quickly, the black paper or the white paper. Â Unfortunately, while we were at soccer it started to downpour. Â We are leaving the experiment out until this evening to see what has happened.
Today we will have a houseful, we are spending the day with cousins and friends. Â We plan to spend time exploring a local apple orchard this weekend. Â What are your plans for the weekend?
Linking up with Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers today.
My kids just love hands-on science experiments. So far this year, they have been able to do a lot on their own. It makes science so much fun!
Hope you all enjoy your soccer games. It will take your mind off (at least for a little while) of the cousins moving away.
Hope the boys enjoy Cub Scouts! Very exciting indeed!!
Love that pic of your Bear Cub! My boys entered scouts for the first time last year. (Dumpling #4 is joining the other two this year) Now we have a Tiger Cub, Bear Cub, and a Webelos I. My boys do things that they probably wouldn’t do with Paul and I because we aren’t naturally inclined to things like bb shooting, archery, and zip lines, but Paul absolutely LOVES the time he spends with our sons in their scouting activities. It’s helped him expand his horizons a bit too!
Will pray for you all this weekend as you send your sister and her family off to North Carolina!
Sorry to hear about the broken arm 🙁 Glad to hear the rest of the week went well.
I love the water evaporation experiment!
Love the uniform!
We really enjoyed Andy and the Lion too!
What a full week you have had. It is tough when you have major events like injured arms and loved ones moving to keep things moving forward. Amazingly, it looks like you had a pretty productive week!
I hope your experiment work out. 🙂
What a fun week! I have a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout – it is such a great organization. Your little Scout is a cutie 🙂
My son is in the same level of Cub Scouts as your son. He loves it too! This will be his second year to participate! We just got a Chick Filet here and the chicken nuggets are YUMMY.
neat evaporation experiment. I will have to remember that one! I love hearing about all the activities that you are able to tie into the books you’re reading. It helps me to think more about it and try to implement it.