I’m linking up with the Homeschool Mother’s Journal

In my life this week…we bought a food scale last week and who knew it could be so much fun? Even the kids are having a good time seeing how much stuff weighs. It’s been an easy way to talk about ounces vs grams. I’ve been using this site to check the calorie count of recipes. Losing/maintaining weight really is all about the numbers.
In our homeschool this week…looking forward to adding a couple of new things to our routine next week.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…last week my tip was meal planning, to go along with that I recently found a grocery store app and have started keeping my list in my phone. My husband and I shop on Sunday morning, after mass while the older kids are at religious ed. I can e-mail him the list and he can start at one of the store and I can start at the other. We meet in the middle with our full carts and checked-off lists!
I am inspired by… a positive attitude
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…I’m heading out to a scrapbooking weekend. Looking forward to a weekend full of laughter, food I don’t have to prepare, quiet (!), and maybe some scrapbooking.
Things I’m working on…still thinking about homeschool plans for next year
I’m reading…I finished Jane Eyre! I ended up really liking the book, now I get why it’s a classic. Now I have a few going at once:
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Positive Discipline for Children with Special Needs
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Positive Discipline for Children with Special Needs
Latin Centered Curriculum
I’m cooking…tried some new recipes this week. First up, Korean Tacos – yum! This week in Paths of Exploration, we talked about how apples were a special and much loved treat with the settlers. We made a healthy version of Applesauce Bread. It’s delicious.
We also tried a recipe for Shrimp Etouffee, from the most recent issue of Family Fun.
I’m grateful for…parents who are helping out so I can have a weekend away. This tends to be the only weekend I go away each year, I’ve had this planned for several months, at the last minute my husband received word that he had to attend an out of town meeting. So, my parents have graciously agreed to watch the kids so I can keep my plans.
I’m praying for…Patty, her family, and their newest addition ~ that all continues to go well for them.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
“So live wholly according to the spirit,…live sweetly and in peace. Be quite confident that God will help you, and in all that happens rest in the arms of his mercy and fatherly goodness” Saint Francis de Sales
“So live wholly according to the spirit,…live sweetly and in peace. Be quite confident that God will help you, and in all that happens rest in the arms of his mercy and fatherly goodness” Saint Francis de Sales
Thanks for sharing the recipes! I am going to see if I have some applesauce in the pantry!
Applesauce bread sounds wonderful!!! Have a great time on your getaway! You deserve it!!
The bread looks delicious! Sounds like you had a great week, have a wonderful weekend!
Ooooh, a scrapbooking weekend. I could use one of those to catch up on my 15 yo ds’s baby album. :)p
Happy anniversary! and yummy bread!
Happy 15th anniversary! Beautiful flowers! Isn’t it funny how something simple like weighing food can be so interesting and fun? (It’s not much fun to me though as I weigh out portions to lose pounds! LOL)
Thank you for that quote as I needed that right now! Hope you had a productive, fun and delightful scrap booking weekend! I am so impressed by your grocery shopping plan…that’s great!