There's nothing like a few days away from the normal hustle and bustle of family life to get some perspective. While we were away last week enjoying the sun and some quiet time by the pool, we had time for many good conversations. Normally when we are talking "career", we are talking about my husband's career, not my career of stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.
During one of our many conversations, I mentioned that a few friends had recently re-entered the work force after being home and caring for young children for several years. I made the comment that it just didn't seem appealing to me, going back to work, and that even if I didn't homeschool I wouldn't be putting together my resume any time soon. My husband responded that's because I was born to do exactly what I was doing, and that if I won a million dollars I wouldn't stop doing what we were doing. He is absolutely correct.

Certainly everyday is not perfect, we have our share of rotten days when nothing goes right, everyone is mis-behaving {even the teacher!}, but if I was suddenly gifted a great sum of money life really wouldn't be all that different. Oh, I would definitely hire a cleaning service and maybe a math tutor, and our field trips would most definitely become a bit more extravagant - shall we follow the route of Lewis and Clark for a few weeks? - but all in all we would keep on keeping on with this wonderful gift of home education.
Enjoy this week's carnival!
Nuts and Bolts
Mary finds a way to make fractions fun at Homegrown Learners, chocolate anyone?
Virtually Tour the Sistine Chapel with Annie Kate's Homeschool Reviews, someday I'd like to see the real thing!
Nancy presents some excellent reasons for making poetry part of the day Intellectual Culture - Poetry posted at Sage Parnassus
A great example of how to use picture study in your day with Artist and Picture Study - Grandma Moses at Harvest Moon by Hand

Home School vs Public School
The Economic Impact of Homeschooling and Public School, how moving can impact your child, is discussed at Homeschool vs Public School
An interview with homschooled kids about public school at Homeschooling Atheist Momma Blog
Alasandra presents Liberals please homeschool your kids posted at Alasandra's Homeschool Blog Awards.
Henry, at Why Homeschool, shares some thoughts about a Canadian bill which will control what homeschooling parents can teach their own children, with The Nose into the Tent.
Linda Dobson presents Entering the Fray: The Homeschooling Is Undemocratic Myth posted at PARENT AT THE HELM
Family Life
Barbara, at Barbara Frank Online, gives some excellent reasons we should be sure to teach our children basic skills like cooking and gardening, along with algebra and diagraming sentences.
Kelly @ The Homeschool Co-op presents Librarian's Picks - The Organic Family Cookbook: Growing, Greening and Cooking Together - this one is going on my wish list!
The Legacy of Home has a great post about Building a Strong Work Ethic in Children
An ode to single parent homeschoolers at Home Spun Juggling, not a task for the faint of heart for sure.

Kat at No Fighting, No Biting writes about a mid winter break leading to Renewed Energy in her homeschool.
Pamela Jorrick presents A Moment To Yourself posted at Blah, Blah, Blog,
Charles Chua C K presents All About Living With Life: 7 Psychological Needs of Children posted at All About Living with Life.
Laura Grace Weldon presents The Boy With No Toys posted at Laura Grace Weldon, saying, "Is a childhood richer and more full of direct learning when a child grows up without toys?"
Carol J. Alexander presents 11 Year Old Builds Chicken Run posted at Lessons from the Homestead.
Katie Hellerman presents A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Forensic Science: What Happens at a Crime Scene? posted atForensic Science Degree.
Tiger's Mum presents Cosmetic Chemistry posted at The Tiger Chronicle.
On the lighter side...
A very cute post about Psalm 23 for Homeschoolers at 7 Sisters Homeschool
A cute Valentine's Day craft at A Little Homeschool Blog, but would work equally well as a Mother's Day craft too.
Dewey's Treehouse has a cute video clip from the old tv show Bewitched. Thankfully we've come a long way! Would you let this woman in your living room?
Irene Beckerr presents 25 Fascinating Facts About Former U.S. Presidents posted at Masters in History.
Carol J. Alexander presents 11 Year Old Builds Chicken Run posted at Lessons from the Homestead.
Katie Hellerman presents A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Forensic Science: What Happens at a Crime Scene? posted atForensic Science Degree.
Tiger's Mum presents Cosmetic Chemistry posted at The Tiger Chronicle.
On the lighter side...
A very cute post about Psalm 23 for Homeschoolers at 7 Sisters Homeschool
A cute Valentine's Day craft at A Little Homeschool Blog, but would work equally well as a Mother's Day craft too.
Dewey's Treehouse has a cute video clip from the old tv show Bewitched. Thankfully we've come a long way! Would you let this woman in your living room?
Irene Beckerr presents 25 Fascinating Facts About Former U.S. Presidents posted at Masters in History.
Yes, I agree with Bob, everyone has their place in this world doing exactly what they were meant to do. And thank goodness! We can't all do the same thing, how boring. I'm grateful for a God that does not put us in a box, but is creative and commands us to use the gifts he has given us. Some days I wish I was content to stay home and had no desire to work outside the home. I like the idea of it, (I also like the idea of being a farmer, but really?) but putting that plan into action leaves me feeling like a part of me is missing if I can't fulfill my gift for nursing. I would hate to get to the gates of heaven and have to explain to God why I didn't use the gift he has given me. You were definitely meant to be a SAHM, and you excel at it. It really shows when someone is doing exactly what they were meant to do, whether it's the popular choice or not. I wish every parent would take their job as seriously, and do it as well, as you do!
Some interesting links here to explore, thanks!
Wow, a jam packed Carnival! Thanks!!
Oh, and if I had a million dollars? I would still go to work, it's never been about money for me. Jim, however, would probably choose to stay home!
Oh I hope you didn't think this post was directed at you! I have a couple of non-homeschooling friends who have recently entered the work-force since their children are now in school full-time. Yes, God did call us all to do different things :)
The "million dollars" thing is actually from Dave Ramsey, I think, about finding your passion in life. Not necessarily about the money per se, but what would be your passion in life if you didn't need a paycheck.
Not at all, just simply agreeing with you. :)
Interesting thought to ponder. Some days I feel content with being a SAHM, other days, I feel like life is passing me by. While I would have no interest in doing the 9-5 thing again, I would love to have to free time to volunteer say... in an adoption agency, or being a mentor for transplant patients. BUT, the time isn't there and neither is the mental capacity on most days. My husband and I have had the same conversation and he feels the same as Bob, this is what we're meant to do it life and that in the end, if our we have raised intelligent, responsible, children... we've been successful.
Love your introduction to the Carnival! Thanks for hosting and for including my post.
Oh, I just love your intro reflection, Jen. What a beautiful response from your husband and so true. You have peace when you are doing what God has willed for you. What a blessing to know you are following His plan for your family. This is going to be a fun post to explore with all of the great articles. Thanks for doing this!
What an awesome list of reading material!!!! Looking forward to checking these out, and you know what? I'm right with you on the million dollars and still homeschooling thing. Yup, definitely a house cleaner would be in the works :)
Dear Jen,
You have a lovely blog! Thank you for hosting the carnival. I hope to settle in later on this wet and icy 29th of February and read all the posts.
From joy to joy,
Thanks for hosting the carnival, it looks amazing. Looking forward to checking out all the posts!
Yes, I think I wouldn do the same things after being left a legacy...that and paying off the mortgage. :) Being a homeschool mom is truly the best way to live, and I sometimes almost get panicky when I realize that I have only 8 years left to go. Fortunately a lot can happen in 8 years.
Thanks so much for hosting.
Annie Kate
Hope you find some inspiration and encouragement!
Definitely a house cleaner, actually an "Alice" would be great :)
Thank you Nancy!
Thank you Barbara!
Yes! Paying off the mortgage would be fantastic.
thank you so much for hosting, very much appreciated.
How wonderful that your husband sees and appreciates the work you do, and recognizes that it is the work you were made for. You are a blessed woman indeed!
And, yes, I would completely still be homeschooling if I won the lottery. Our travels would be grander and I'd have a maid, but I love the life with my family. Thanks for hosting!
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