We’ve been back at school for a few weeks now and have settled into a pretty good routine. Â In the beginning of the year I sit down and work out a schedule in an attempt to fit everything in that we would like to complete each week. Â I try to follow the schedule fairly closely for a few days and then we sort of naturally drift into a routine.Â
How We Schedule Our Days
In the past I have tried to stick to a more rigid schedule, changing subjects every 30 minutes or so, but I found that I spent more time looking at my watch than I did working with my children. Â If that works for you and your family, by all means stick to it, I have just found that it doesn’t work as well for us. Â However, we definitely do thrive on a routine.
I almost always start my day by getting up early for quiet prayer time and then exercise. Â Making those two items a priority at the beginning of my day is a must. Â Around 7:00-7:30 the kids start making an appearance. Â I used to make breakfast a sit down affair, everyone at the same time, but I have changed that up a bit this year. Â The kids can eat when they are dressed and done with their chores, then they are free to get started on their school work.
Scheduling All of Our Tasks
My morning is spent first with the younger kids. Â We are working our way through All About Reading and then our Five in a Row book for the week. Â After about 45 minutes or so, they are done and are ready for a little break. Â Then I can turn my focus to the older kids to answer questions, and check work. Â This is then the time that we do Latin and our classical studies work. Â We can work through their check lists until about 11:30 when we break. Â I get lunch started and they have some free time.
After lunch we always have quiet time, and after quiet time we regroup. Â We say a decade of the rosary together and then read something, it may be a bible story, the saint of the day, or a particular picture book that I want to share with everyone. Â Next, I spend some time with the younger kids working on simple math activities. Â After that I work with the older kids to finish up their afternoon work. Â
It’s a full and busy learning day. Â Of course, no day ever goes perfectly. Â We also have our co-op days which look differently, and Wednesday afternoons we have Tae Kwon Do, speech, swim lessons, and then soccer. Â So far, in this season, this routine is serving us well. Â
So what do you do in your house, a routine or a schedule?
I am also a homeschool mom of six, we have a basic schedule that we adhere to which allows for flexibility. A typical day in our house is over by 2pm – 3pm.
Routine for sure. Every day looks different, and I’ve been trying to pare back this year on out of the house activities somewhat with my 3 year old and a baby I do daycare for making us less easily portable (I have 18 y/o, 15 y/o, 8 y/o, 3 y/o and the baby is 7 months). 🙂 We start with breakfast and chores, a few mornings a week I go to the gym. If we are home, schoolwork starts after chores, but the teen just needs me to check in with her and help her stay on task. More in depth studies happen during nap time, if nap time is going well. 🙂 With Iris we are doing Latin daily, then we usually do one other subject a day, sometimes 2. We do better with a longer focus on one subject at a time.
Reading your post, I am reminded how much I really enjoy hearing about other family routines…It can be very helpful to share so thank you, Jen! You have me thinking about sharing our own routine. It’s fun to tweak the schedule and funny how we go back to things that we’ve changed sometimes! Have a blessed final stretch of your week:)
I enjoy reading about routines and schedules too, you should definitely share!!
yes, the little ones do make life a little less “portable” 🙂
We just added a 6 and 7 year old (with birthdays the first week of Dec-Christmas and 2 birthdays so close will be a new challenge for me!) and still exploring what works for us. We need more structure, but in the long run I think routine will serve us better than a schedule. I’m trying to get breakfast items that are more self serve, but aren’t just cereal and milk because all 3 get up at different times. Frozen burritos and waffles/pancakes are what comes to mind…got any other ideas?
Wow, congrats! 🙂 Our schedule always ends up morphing into a routine. But having a schedule helps me not become too lax – which I have a tendency to do! My favorite easy breakfast is crockpot oatmeal. I’m sure you can find tons of recipes on Pinterest, mine is very basic. My tip is to set the crockpot on “warm” instead of low and it turns out great. The kids can help themselves in the morning whenever they are ready for breakfast! Plus, oatmeal is inexpensive and healthy – it’s win/win.