Weekly Photo Collage :: 1/11/2013 Back to the Grind

We finally wrapped up our vacation and arrived home on Monday evening.  We had a great trip and it’s been a little bit hard getting back into the swing of things, however it’s great to be home.

I’m not sure we will plan another vacation around Christmas time.  It was nice to get out of the cold and we liked that a majority of our Christmas gift money went to the trip – the kids will remember the vacation much more than some of the toys they might have received.  But Sea World and LegoLand were very crowded.  Since we homeschool and don’t have to work around a school schedule it just doesn’t make sense to go to places like that when everyone else is there too. 

We have always wanted to take a trip and Christmas and now we have! 
1.  Outside our hotel in Charleston S.C. – the sign reads “Do not enter the marsh Do not approach of feed the alligator”  Jonah was so tempted!  We never did see the alligator.

2.  On our way home from Florida we stopped in North Carolina for the night to see cousins.  My sister and her family are about to move from North Carolina to Vermont.  Looks like a trip to Vermont will be in our future, although I did tell her it would be a summer or fall trip – no winter trip to Vermont for me!
3.  A fun vacation always means lots of laundry to catch up on.  I swear I did laundry every day we were at our beach house, yet I still had piles and piles when we arrived home.

4.  It was also time to clean up from Christmas.  I put all of the Christmas photo cards on a little ring so the kids could flip through them throughout the year.  Jacob saw me working on the project and said “did you see that idea on Pinterest?”.  See, even and 11 year old boy knows of the goodness that is Pinterest.
5.  We have all been working on our goals this week.  I’ll share more in the coming weeks.  I joined up with 30 Day Push and I have really gotten a lot out of the series so far.  It’s not too late to join in, if you still need some extra motivation. Today I’m also at The Homeschool Village sharing about Creating New Habits, go take a peek!

6.  We did get back to some math drills this week, thanks to WorksheetWorks.  I love this site.

7.  I have meals planned for the rest of January and through February.  Meal planning makes life so much easier.  It’s nothing fancy, but it’s done!

8.  I purposely haven’t gone grocery shopping since our return home from our trip.  I decided we would eat through the pantry and freezer.  I have done this before in January and it’s a nice way to save a bit of money at the beginning of the year as well as clean out the cupboards.  Things are getting a bit bare, food doesn’t last long around here.

Earlier in the week I wrote about how my husband and I make exercise work together for us and how I’m preparing for a blogging conference at the end of the month.

Have a great weekend and be sure to visit the other blogs that are linked up with Mary!

Homegrown Learners


  1. Jessica says

    We enjoyed following along on your vacation via Pinterest! I love the beach pictures. It has not been too snowy here in CT but I long for beach days…..

  2. Mary says

    Jen — we love Worksheet Works, too – I like the handwriting section especially. You have been a BUSY person these past couple of weeks. Hope you can relax this weekend!

  3. Jessy Gaffen says

    Oh, never seen Worksheet Works! It looks like a place worth exploring a bit! Puzzles…and I missed the handwriting section. We’re almost done with Handwriting Without Tears. Anyway, how fun to go a vacation! We’re not into crowds either. :( The kids would love Legoland though!

  4. Lori_KeepingItSimple says

    Is that a calculadder sheet too? I have used those since my 29yo was homeschooling! :) Laundry is amazing- I don’t know how, but it always multiplies! I read your exercise post- my hubby works in construction so doesn’t much enjoy daily workouts, but he is super supportive about family walks on the weekends, and on our weekend away he walked miles with me. My boys so would have been on the lookout for that alligator too!!

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