“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta lived an extraordinary life. She has many, many encouraging and inspiring quotes, but the one above is one of my favorites.
I think this quote resonants with me particularly as a mom. The vocation of mothering is often a thankless job. We do a million “small things” day in and day out. Many small jobs that most people in our home don’t notice.
Most of us aren’t called to go to a different country and take care of thousands of orphans and elderly people. No, our mission field is at our kitchen table, our family room, our family vehicle. However, that mission is just as important, just as great in the eyes of God.
It matters that we are making peanut butter and jelly for lunch, again. It matters that we are reviewing multiplication facts, again. It matters that we are reading Tumford the Terrible, yet again. It matters to our children, our husband, our home, our mission field.
The outside world will say otherwise, but don’t listen.
Doing these small tasks with great love matters.
We’re sharing our favorite quotes over the coming weeks, for more visit iHomeschoolNetwork
So true. So encouraging.
I’m reading The Domestic Church :: Room by room and the current chapter speaks to the reading specifically about what you wrote on. Excellent points made, Jen.
Jen — I love your first image.
I also love your quote from Mother Theresa. I think you, however, have done HUGE things with great love. I’m looking forward to the other quotes, and I’m checking out Tumford the Terrible!
Jen, I think this is one of my absolute favorite Mother Theresa quotes…
As I watch my daughter embark on her first really tough missionary assignment, I think this quote is one that resonates with me this morning the most. I will remind her that it is the little steps she is taking each day to bring the Good News to others that is going to make a difference in the world. Thanks Jen.
Mother Theresa has always been the person who I look up to the most and one thing that I love about her is her wise and very caring quotes Thanks for sharing this wonderful quote Jen. I’m excited to read more of your inspiring posts.
I love that quote! Perfect for moms. I enjoyed your reflection.