Hi there! It’s a wonderful honor to be a guest writer here at Jen’s blog today. She has asked me to share some ways a Homeschooling Mama might recharge over the summer. I must say that I am seriously NO expert in this area, not even close. If anything, I am writing this with the intention of making notes to myself! I also solicited suggestions from a few homeschooling friends to help me out. Many thanks to Joan, Peggy and Mary-Lynn who responded and offered a few things that have been incorporated here.
Taking a Mental Break
It seemed to be the consensus that taking some sort of mental break this time of year is extremely helpful, if not necessary. Even if you home school year-round, the summer months can be a natural season to take even a small block of time off from the school routine. For me, as a mother of 5 children who has homeschooled K-8 over the last 8 years, I am always “done” by the time June rolls around. To be perfectly honest, I look forward to closing up shop for awhile. It’s a time to take the foot off the gas, slow down a bit, and regroup. I hail this opportunity to regain some sanity by getting a few things done around the house, making time for family outings and most importantly, nurturing my faith. Without my faith component, I am nothing. That being said, let’s pour a little something cool to drink and dream of ways to renew our spirits!
7 Ways to Refresh Over the Summer
1. Take time off to visit your interior self…Be who God called you to be.
I hope you may have gleaned a few ways to refresh your soul. Be kind to yourself and keep on truckin, Mamas! Remember that God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Tiffany loves to write about her faith and family at Family At The Foot of the Cross.
Thank you. I needed this post right now.
Beautiful and lovely! Food for my soul!
I’m looking forward to doing more of idea #1 myself! May you both enjoy your summers, Jen and Tiffany. Enjoy the down time, the spiritual time, the renewal
Oh this was so wonderful to read Tiffany! All your points are what I need and want to do! Thanks for sharing! Tiffany and Jen have a wonderful summer with your family, friends and a renewed spirit! God bless!
This was a great post Tiffany! Thanks for sharing! Tiffany and Jen may you have a wonderful summer with family and friends and a renewed spirit!