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Our second week is in the books. This year my goal is to be more diligent about tracking our attendance days and I'd like to make a transcript for Jacob this year.
So far the Homeschool Helper App is helping me keep track of a few grades for the older kids. I'm keeping track of attendance through the app as well. I don't have an iPad, so I put the app on my Kindle Fire and so far so good.
This Week in our Homeschool:
Our focus this week seems to have been on math and reading. Particularly the older kids, they spent a considerable amount of time on math.

We didn't have much time to add in any of the extras, but at least we were consistent with our core work.
I realized another reason why I like Math U See, working with the blocks is extra fine motor work for my younger kids!
What we are Reading:
For our afternoon family read aloud we are reading Hoot. We are planning to watch the movie when we are finished with the book.
Jacob is reading St. Pius X: The Farm Boy Who Became Pope
Jonah is reading various readers and continues to work with his Lexercise consultant. We have seen great improvement in his overall reading skills, not just his actual reading, but his confidence and enjoyment while reading. Adding Lexercise to our curriculum has been a good decision for Jonah.
Sarah is reading Saint Therese of Lisieux
I started Hooked on Phonics with the younger kids last week. As much as we loved All About Reading, I felt like these particular kids needed something more. The little videos are very engaging and the kids love them. Even my reluctant learning is intrigued by the videos!
Out and About:
This week was full of appointments. The kids each had doctors appointments for physicals and two kids had eye appointments. {Next week I'll share pics of our newest glasses wearing boy.} All things we are trying to wrap up before we move.

Speaking of the move, I have gotten rid of, donated, and packed more of our belongings. I have been trying to do just a little bit each day. When I start to feel overwhelmed, I pack a box, or throw something away :)
Last weekend Jacob and Sarah participated in a demonstration with their TaeKwonDo school at the local Relay for Life.

Blog Happenings:
Back to {Home}School Meal Ideas
A Typical Homeschool Day
Hope you had a great week, enjoy the weekend!
Linking up with Mary @ Homegrown Learners

That's a good solution for feeling overwhelmed. I should try that, not that we're moving, but I'm working on decluttering.
I know you're probably very organized with your move, Jen - I can just tell. I think you're also really smart to just stick with the basics now. Accomplishing a few things well will be a great goal as you get ready to move to FL soon.
I'd be so overwhelmed!! Basics are the way to go. Just moving is going to be an adventure and an education! I don't think we've read the St. Pius X book- I'll take a look.
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