One of the most often asked questions about homeschooling is “What about socialization?”
It’s easy to be annoyed about this question, and perhaps not respond with the most grace.
Are Homeschooled Kids Socialized?
Honestly, I want to fire back, “I thought kids went to school to be educated not socialized!”
However, it’s not the most pleasant way to have a conversation. It’s easy to jump to the conclusion that we are under fire or being criticized for our choices, it may be that the person asking the question is thinking about homeschooling. More importantly, our children are most likely within earshot.
Even though it can be challenging at times, I never regret speaking kindly to someone even if they seem to be attacking me.
The reality is that sending children to school to be surrounded by age-mates all day is not natural. Never again, for the rest of our children’s lives will they be in that sort of artificial environment. I’m not bashing public school, just pointing out that attacking homeschooling as a bad choice due to socialization is illogical. It’s much more natural to spend the day surrounded by a wide variety of people and ages.
Remember my post, “I Can’t Homeschool Because My Kids Will be Weird?” My husband had some of the same concerns, weird meaning unsocialized. Most of my children are comfortable talking to a wide age range. My children are as well adjusted as their age-mates.
Homeschooled Children Practice Real Life
Everyday they have practice being in the real world. Not to say they are perfectly behaved {they are not} but they have practice waiting in lines, taking turns and sharing. They interact with others every week at Tae Kwon Do, Soccer, Baseball, Gymnastics and church.
Do they have experience going through the lunch line or riding the bus? No, but I’m not quite sure how those activities socialize someone. Do they have problem solving and compromising skills? You bet! That happens constantly in the day to day life of a family.
Homeschooling may not be the choice for everyone, but using the idea that homes across the country are churning out kids with no social skills is completely flawed and frankly is ridiculous!
Read more posts about Socialization with iHomeschool Network
Read more posts about Socialization with iHomeschool Network

“The reality is that sending children to school to be surrounded by age-mates all day is not natural. Never again, for the rest of our children’s lives will they be in that sort of artificial environment. ”
Yes! This!
Exactly! These critics of homeschooling actually ADMIT to sending their kids to school to be SOCIALIZED? What about the academics? Talk about flawed logic..