Homeschoolers are often a confident and opinionated bunch. It’s only natural, as we are choosing to go against the grain in a pretty big way. Even though homeschooling is becoming more mainstream and most everyone knows someone who homeschools, a majority of people still choose a more traditional route for their children.
Going against the norm requires some confidence as many people will question our choices. It’s important to be prepared to explain why we homeschool and our children need to know why we homeschool too! Our decision was made in a thoughtful and careful manner, our response should reflect that.
Haughty Homeschoolers
Being confident about our decision and having a well thought out mission statement is great, becoming haughty and all knowing about everyone else’s situation is not okay.
While I know that homeschooling is the best choice for our family right now, the sin of pride can creep in when I look down on those who don’t choose to homeschool.
If we fall into thinking homeschooling is the only way to educate every child we are most likely mistaken. Does homeschooling work in our family? Absolutely. Is homeschooling about so much more than just the ABC’s? You bet.
Homeschooling with Grace
Mis-steps can and will occur along the way with our parenting choices. The mere fact that we homeschool does not mean that we will have perfect children. Nor does it mean that students who attend a traditional school are doomed to failure.
I’m thankful that we all have choices on how to raise and educate our children. And our choices are just that, our choices. Let’s extend grace to one another and instead of jumping to the conclusion that our neighbor is wrong, let’s assume that the decisions they have made for their family have come with much prayer and discernment – just the same as ours.
Amen!! I know a number of people who should read this (including myself at times). Thanks, Jen!
Great! Thanks for this- timing was impeccable for me
We’ve private schooled, public schooled and home schooled. We have a combination now. It matters about what is best for the child. Thank you.