You know my answer is…absolutely!!
What does being fit mean to you? My definition of being fit is to have the energy to get through our busy homeschool day, having clothes fit when I put them on, having the functional fitness to keep up with my kids, carry in groceries, run up and down the stairs when needed.
It’s not so I can look a certain way. Being fit is not a specific jean or dress size.
Taking care of ourselves, body, mind and soul is not vain. God created us and we should be good stewards of the gifts we have been given. When we look at exercise and healthy eating as a means to a longer, perhaps more productive life, it seems like a no brainer.
If our goals for exercise are only to look a certain way – our efforts will probably be short lived. When our goals are more far reaching i.e., better, more restful sleep, more mental alertness, less stress, a better mood – those are long term goals that are long lasting. Looking fit is just a bonus!
It’s easy to become complacent and fall into thinking that moms of a certain age should naturally look a certain way. No, we are not 20 anymore. Thankfully, we are older and wiser – in my opinion we shouldn’t be striving to look or act 20. Been there done that and I much prefer being 41!
We can be fit and proud of our age. Here’s a beauty secret, being fit makes you look younger – it is the fountain of youth.
It isn’t selfish to invest a bit of time and energy into fueling our bodies with good food and taking time to move our bodies and break a sweat. Good health is a gift and helps us in turn to be more generous with others.
There is no doubt about it – homeschooling moms are busy. BUSY! We don’t have a ton of free time in our schedule. So that means when we have 30 to 45 minutes to exercise we need to make the best of it. I hate to say it, but a leisurely walk around the block isn’t going to cut! Get the most bang for your buck by doing resistance training with weights or your own body weight, break a sweat and get your heart pumping.
My husband and I have done several programs, like P90X, Insanity, T25 and we are getting ready to start P90X3. If I can do these programs, so can you. Really!
Just make the decision, make the commitment, to get started exercising on a regular basis.
Do you exercise on a regular basis? What is your favorite form of exercise?
Further Healthy Living Resources:
5 Easy Ways to Get Started with Exercise {A Free Printable too}
Healthy Living Pinterest board
great article! I agree, but it sure is a struggle to stay fit. We try to just make it part of our homeschool as a family. Life is learning!
I just figured something out on your blog here on pinterest. For some reason, some of the blogs I pull up on bloglovin I cannot leave a comment unless I click on the X at the top right of the page.
At any rate, this is so true. And I thought how appropriate it fit in with momnipostence post today as well. For those who don’t have a goal of looking like they did when they were 20, and at the same time, are happy with what fitness schedule they can fit in, they seem happier with themselves and come across happier to others. Does that make sense?