I spent the first 7 years of of my homeschooling career without a homeschooling group. Since we moved to Florida in the fall we have been fortunate to belong to a homeschooling group, without a doubt I prefer to be part of a group.
It’s not that we were without friends, or without opportunities to be around other homeschoolers. Far from it. We equally and regularly interacted with other homeschooling and traditionally schooled families. We just never connected with a homeschooling group that fit our needs.
We were the only family in our parish that homeschooled, the only family in our neighborhood that homeschooled, and we lived in a small town and often felt like we were the only family in town that homeschooled! We weren’t, but it did make our journey a bit lonely. We didn’t necessarily feel lonely then, but compared to now, I can see a vast difference. Everyone needs their “tribe”.
Some of MY reasons why YOU should be in a homeschooling group
Support & Comradery – Homeschooling has grown in popularity over the years, but most people still choose to send their children to a traditional school setting. Homeschooling presents it’s own unique challenges and having other friends in the trenches is invaluable. Sharing the ups and downs of homeschooling life, chatting about curriculum {of course!}, and just the overall sharing of life.
Not only do you have a support system, but your children will grow up with a similar support system. Like us, our children have always had friends in various different types of schools. To limit our children to only homeschooled peers is a huge mistake in my opinion, but I certainly do want my children to grow up with a core of friends who share similar experiences.
Socialization – Yep, I said it – the “S” word! Our children are socialized all day, everyday, even if we never leave the house. However, it is necessary for them to practice making new friends and learning how to navigate the world around us. There are many days I feel like I’m still practicing that myself!
Power in Numbers – it’s often possible to get discounts or participate in activities as a group rather than just a family. Often more enjoyable to do activities in a large group rather than with just a few.
Take Advantage of Other’s Strengths – It’s no secret that I’m not terribly crafty with my children. So, when another mom volunteers to do a craft with my children I’m all over it! Case in point, we had a Valentine’s Day party and one of the mom’s coordinated a tee-shirt painting craft. The kids were able to indulge in their craftiness and I didn’t have to contend with a big mess. Coming up in a few weeks is a painting party 😉
Experience Different Activities – Often a mom will suggest a field trip or an event that is something I would never think to do. It’s good for everyone to step out of their comfort zone now and again. We are taking a tour of the Port of Tampa soon. I’m excited for the opportunity, but not exactly thrilled with being on a boat. A wee bit out of my comfort zone and not something I would have planned on my own.
In the short time we have been in Florida, six months already!, our homeschooling group has been such a blessing to us. Are you involved in a homeschooling group?
I’m so glad that you are part of a group now! You have touched on some excellent points here. I don’t think I could survive without my group. LOL When one is a homeschooler and moves, it is not as easy to find friends for child & parent as it is if the children attended a traditional school. Parents exhaust themselves filling in the gaps for their children and then wake up one day wondering who is going to make a friend for them? At least I did 😉 I did not have time to work on relationships only to find that the person i was hoping was my new friend ended up being just someone passing by in life. Finding a like-minded group cut through all the red tape of invested emotion. Wishing you continued growth in your blessings in your new group!
I worked to be a part of a group for my girls; that was my initial motivation. Now that we are part of a group [and have been for a couple years], my motivation is also “having other friends in the trenches is invaluable”. It makes such a huge difference talking to real people who are doing it too about all things homeschool
Nope but I haven’t found one here that we really like. Maybe I need to look across the bridge and come join yours 😀
LaToya recently posted…Becoming a Single Mom
We’d love to have you!!
How do you find a group?
I would start with an online search with google and/or Facebook. Then just start asking around. Ask at your parish, ask at the library, check with your state’s support/info group. If there are any conventions in your area or used book sales – check out those!
All excellent reasons! Sharing!
Michelle Cannon recently posted…If You Were Rooming with Me at GHC: 3 Things You Should Know
Such wisdom you have being on both sides of the fence! I think I’ve been the most lonely without a group over the past 10 years I’ve homeschooled and not my kids! lol Your 3rd paragraph describes me to a tee except for the fact there is 1 other family in our parish that homeschools;-). Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of friends but it would sure be nice to have a good “tribe”. It’s always been difficult to be “different” among our close parish friends and other friend circles too. I have prayed and prayed but it hasn’t been God’s plan I suppose. That being said, it truly makes my heart SO happy to hear that you have found such support and love in your new place!
We have a great, but small Catholic homeschooling group in our area. Lately, many families are moving away due to job changes so I’ve done alot of thinking to say the least. There are only 3 high schooled homeschooled kids in our group with one of them being my daughter when she is in 9th grade next year. I really would love my daughter to have more Catholic girl friends her age, but so far God has not sent any.
I do love our devout, Catholic group that seems to change all the time with families moving in and out of our area every year. I enjoy celebrating feast days, family rosaries, service projects, parties, sacraments, etc. with them and they are powerful prayer warriors which is a blessing!
We have tons of non-Catholic homeschoolers and groups in our area which is great, but not the same as fellowshipping with Catholic families.
Jennifer, I’m so glad your move to FL has proven to be fruitful with homeschool support and resources. You are blessed!
Tracy Bua Smith recently posted…7 Quick Takes: March 14
Ooops, I meant to say Jen in the above post

Tracy Bua Smith recently posted…7 Quick Takes: March 14
Jen/Jennifer – it’s all good! Actually I always call myself Jennifer, but most everyone else calls me Jen. I started referring to myself as Jen on my blog because it’s shorter and my blog name is so darn long
I’m one of the few moms with older kids at our homeschool group, Jacob is just about the oldest, so I continue to search out other options for him too. I’m feeling more and more confident that we will homeschool high school so that piece is important. I’ll just keep praying and trying to do my part!
Jen recently posted…Healthy Choices for Easter Basket Goodies
Yes, and we love our group! Built two years ago from the ground up we have been blessed with an amazingly diverse group of moms and kids! It seems like each time we thought it would be nice to have a mom who did such and such here one came walking right towards us!
If you do not have a group or can’t seem to find one thwt works for your family, make one! We did and I don’t think we will ever look back!
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