I can’t believe it’s the end of August and September is next week! When I was looking back over my pictures from the summer, I realized we packed in quite a bit.
While my blog has been fairly quiet this summer, my Facebook page has been more active. We talk about important things like flip-flops and whether or not it’s a good thing to let your child use an iPhone during mass. Join us!
Our youngest turned 7!
Homeschool Field Trip
We visited Winter and Hope at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Back to the Homeschool Fun
We started our school year at the beginning of August. It was a light schedule for several weeks, but helped us get back into a bit of a routine. This was my Mom’s first day of school night cap 😉
Help! I Can’t Find My Homeschool Room
Our Large Family Homeschool Schedule
Blogging Retreat
In the middle of August I headed north to a cute little bed and breakfast type place (in the middle of no where!) to meet up with 9 fabulous bloggers. It was a wonderful and refreshing weekend. Such a treat to spend time with a group of smart, funny (we laughed a lot!), and creative women. Women with a priority of homeschooling and raising their children, yet have a passion for blogging as well. I neglected to get a photo of everyone, but you should definitely be reading their blogs!
Homegrown Learners
The Kennedy Adventures
Raising Life Long Learners
Everyday Snapshots
Happy Brown House
Our Journey Westward
Starts at Eight
Jimmie’s Collage
Education Possible
Homeschooling Through a Move
We moved. Again. Only this time it was just down the road. When we moved to Florida we moved into a rental home so we could get the lay of the land. This summer we were ready to purchase a home. We are so glad to be settled in a permanent spot!
We went to a Detroit Tigers vs. Tampa Bay Rays baseball game. The day after we moved. It was a fun day, our first time to visit Tropicana Field. All of the public school kids in Florida started school earlier that week so the ball park wasn’t too crowded even though it was a big game. We had plenty of space to visit the Stingrays and walk around the park.
The girls were able to meet Anna & Elsa – probably the highlight of their summer!
And we’ve just been enjoying the summer in Florida!
I’m linking up with Mary for Collage Friday – from last Friday! Better late than never
It looks like a fun, full summer with lots of great memories! Have a blessed school year Jen!
Tracy Bua Smith recently posted…7 Quick Takes: 7 Reasons To Be Thankful This Week
Thanks Tracy, same to you!
So glad I got to see you this summer!!! You guys had a great summer —- love mom’s treat after the first day of school! 😉
Mary recently posted…Who Let The Homeschoolers Out?