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In our school room post from the end of summer, we were just getting moved into our new house. We had unpacked boxes all around and other stuff everywhere. Not very conducive to getting much work done. So we stumbled along for just a bit until we could restore some order.
For the last couple of months we have finally had a more organized homeschool learning space. Although it never stops feeling like a work in progress.
When we moved to Florida there was a couple in our neighborhood that was ironically moving to Michigan. They were getting rid of a few things and offered them to us. I needed a new desk so we said yes. The desk wasn’t something I would have picked out at the store, but since the price was right (FREE!) I took it. I’m happy with the way it looks in our school room.
It has a big work surface and drawers for storage. And you know I straightened up my desk before I took a picture!
I think a downside of homeschooling is finding a home for all the books, papers, workbooks, and everything else that comes with learning at home. As much as learning at home is a way of life for us, it’s nice to contain the clutter and not have it spilling out all over the place. In a big family this is especially challenging.
We have bookshelves, but I also use other spots like the hutch below to store items.
We have a space in our learning space/dinning room which I use for extra school storage instead of it’s intended purpose. Â I still haven’t found a clever idea for the wine rack. I hate to have the wasted space!
This is the space where I keep the younger kids school work. Up above is my Homeschool Command Center.
I’m big on using baskets to contain books and other like items. I have a basket for our Five in a Row books and a basket for our Paths of Progress books.
Also, the easel is a new addition to our school room this year. The kids can practice writing on it, I can leave notes for the kids or different quotes we like, or our schedule for the day.
Learning really happens all over the house, not just these designated spots. The kitchen counter, the kitchen table, the couch, the floor, even the backyard and the swimming pool!
Do you have a designated spot for your homeschooling items?
Learning Room Inspiration
Homeschooling in a Large Family
Homeschool and Life Command Center
Happy Thanksgiving!
I think I would disassemble the wine rack storage and then put in a shelf and add baskets for pretty storage (since there is no door).
Love your learning areas! The free desk was a great find!
Cassie recently posted…This Week in Lessons {Week 16}
I love that idea! Thank you!!
Jen recently posted…Our Homeschool Learning Spaces
Love it all! I love that green cabinet and the pictures above it. Beautiful!
We are living with my parents while my husband is away until April so we are schooling out of rubbermaid totes. Definitely not ideal. I can’t wait to move into our own home again.
Thank you!
Love your storage! Congrats on the new house and free desk! I agree that learning can happen all over!
Thank you!
I love your homeschool spaces. Some wine racks will slide out to be simple open space; maybe yours will? We may move later this year so I’m perusing these posts to file away possible ideas!
Thank you! I think it would be an easy project once I just decided to do it!
This is a nice homeschool setup for sure. I like your free desk too. I don’t have any clever suggestions for your wine rack. My husband would though.
Thank you!
I have a wine-rack idea! I’ve purchased cheap cylindrical vases from the thrift store and plan to fill them with markers, pencil crayons, watercolour pencils, regular pencils, paint brushes, etc., and then stow them in the wine rack for easily accessed, visible storage.
great idea!!