Does this ever happen to you? You roll out of bed and walk into the kitchen and within a matter of moments all of your children descend upon you asking questions like this:
“What’s for breakfast?”
“What are we doing today?”
“Have you seen the cat?”
“Do you know where my coon skin cap is?”
“Do we have to do school again today?”
“Where are the pencils?”
All that before you have even had a moment to grab a cup of coffee and remember what day of the week it is!
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Getting the morning off to a great start usually starts the night before, and here’s the thing, morning and evening routines don’t need to be elaborate and complicated to be effective.
Most of the time our days are so busy, that by the time bedtime rolls around, all I want to do is go to bed! I don’t really want to spend a bunch of time thinking about the next day.
However, it’s always, and I mean always worth my time. There are a few habits that have made my life easier and will make your life considerably easier too. I’m all for making life easier!
I even made a handy-dandy printable that you can print off and hang on your fridge or in your bathroom or where ever you will best benefit from a visual reminder.
Morning Routine
1. Get up early – before your kids!
2. Prayer time/Exercise time – both are so important for so many reasons
3. Throw in a load of laundry
4. Check your planner and to do list
5. Empty the dishwasher – This has now become one of my daughters jobs to do right when she comes down in the morning. My other daughter does it in the afternoon after we run the dishwasher after lunch. This is a huge help for me and the entire family.
One act I would add to the morning routine is make your bed. Provided everyone is out of the bed of course! For me making the bed each day makes my house feel less messy. Therefore that just makes me feel better and more accomplished for the rest of the day. That may seem odd, but that’s how I feel. This isn’t a make it or break it for your morning routine, I just know it helps me.
Evening Routine
1. Tidy up Kitchen (run the dishwasher/do dishes) see above! – it drives me crazy to wake up to a messy kitchen and often puts me in a bad mood right away if I let it. I’m working on the teenagers/tweens cleaning up their late night snacks better too.
2. Tidy up main living area – see above, I like to start the day with a relatively clean slate, at least as far as the house goes.
3. Check planner and to do list
4. Lay out school materials for next day – have something your kids can get started on without you.
5. Lay out clothes (either workout clothes for morning or clothes for the day – kids too) – this may seem like overkill but it’s one less thing you have to think about in the morning!
Ready to start today getting some good routines going?
All you have to do is become a subscriber to the blog. How easy is that? I value your privacy so no worries, I don’t do anything with your e-mail address except send out my blog posts.
As soon as you subscribe you will be able to access the printable.
Do you know your posts lately about routines are almost identical to Even down to unloading the dishwasher in the morning and checking your calendar and such! Next thing you’ll be saying is to shine your sink! I love her! Here is her website:
God bless!
Ha! Ha! I need to shine my sink 🙂 Great routines are universal and it’s NOT rocket science! But I think we all need reminders from time to time. Thanks for reading.
Actually, before Flylady, there was the Slob Sisters. Flylady bought their program. The first time I ever saw a morning and evening routine was in the 80’s with a lady named Emily Barnes. She’s an awesome author, and a master at organizing.
Honestly, I think it is the most simple ideas that are the most effective and lasting!
Love the list! One thing I recently added myself is to set a daily timer on my phone to go off every evening at 7pm so I can tell everyone to start cleaning up, etc. Otherwise before I know it, it’s bedtime and I want them to magically get it all done in under 5 minutes 🙁
BTW: I found your blog a couple months back and find your posts very useful. I’m a homeschooling mom of 8 (includes a commuter college student and a 3 year old) and have whittled down the blogs I follow to only a handful. Thanks for taking the time to keep it up!
Oh my – what a fantastic idea. You are brilliant!!
I truly appreciate your comment. God Bless you and your family 🙂
Jen recently posted…Morning and Evening Routine – A Free Printable
I do the same except darn! those pajamas. Sometimes it is so nice to stay in them. 😉
(And I’m talking about me not the kids LOL!)
Patty recently posted…San Antonio Missions With Grammy
I know. The pajamas!
I am going to subscribe- for some reason none of you posts since “How to teach math in a large family” a year ago show in my feed. I do see you on FB but that is not entirely reliable either.
laurie recently posted…Are We Caught Up Yet?
I had some issues with BlogLovin not lovin my blog for some reason. Sorry you were having troubles!
Hi, I subscribed to the email list but did not receive the link to the printable routine.
Please send me a message if you still have not received it! Thanks 🙂
Hi there! I subscribed to your blog to get access to this printable, but it gave me access to an eBook instead. Would you help me access the printable?