Co-ops can be a wonderful opportunity to enrich your homeschool, or they can be a needless distraction from the task at hand, HOMEschooling.
I think it really depends on your family and your season of homeschooling. Sometimes a co-op can be more of a benefit for mom than the children, a bit of a break for a short time or a time to focus on other children.
We have been involved in a couple of different co-ops both in Michigan and in Florida, both were drop off style co-ops. The drop off style worked best for our family because not all of the children were participating. The first co-op we were in was more for me, the worried type of homeschool decision that the kids needed to be in classes. The second time was more for my oldest and his desire to meet other homeschooled middle schoolers. Neither was a bad experience, but not necessarily vital either.
Co-ops can be both beneficial and detrimental to your homeschool day
Try different classes – art, sewing, movie-making are all kinds of classes that have been offered
Enroll your child in a class that is your weakness i.e. math or writing
Another avenue for making friends – for your children and yourself!
A way for children to do work for someone other than mom or to get feedback from another person
Expensive for a big family – if you are enrolling 4, 5 or 6 kids that can add up!
Difficult if all the children don’t/can’t participate – running back and forth dropping off/picking up, entertaining the other kids who are not enrolled, it can make for a long day.
A permanent fixture on the schedule – takes away a bit of flexibility
For us we are opting not to participate in a co-op next fall.Β Is your family involved in a co-op?
Well said. We are fortunate to live near 2 wonderful drop off type homeschool co-ops (1 – 5 min away, the other 15). With carpooling and a 17 year driver/student we are currently in the VERY HELPFUL stage of co-ops. So now? Yes, we are using co-ops some of the older ones, for all pros you mentioned. While I absolutely LOVE my kids and homeschooling, I admit, I also enjoy the slower more focused pace when the older ones are gone for a few hours once a week. We get a lot done then
Very nice! I know what you mean about having a bit of time with the youngers.
Jen recently posted…Pros and Cons of a Homeschool Co-op
We have been involved, but we are sitting out this next year.
What we did was create a twice monthly social group… we will meet at parks, bowling, movies, roller skating, putt putt, people’s homes…
But we will not be doing school-ish Co-Ops.
They aren’t very organized in our area.
I remain hopeful.
This is me, trying to be charitable. HA
I hear ya loud and clear π
Jen recently posted…Pros and Cons of a Homeschool Co-op
Yes! Couldn’t agree more, especially with the costly part and schedule. We were thrilled this year to finally be through with the art class (co op), but so pleased with how much they learned and by another teacher.
We had a great art class this year too and since I’m not a crafty mom it was great
BTW, my auto correct tried to switch “crafty” to “crazy” π
I have a love/hate relationship with homeschool co-ops. I love the socialization and the ability to try new things. I hate the commitment and being tied down! We have done a co-op the last few years, but are planning on a break next year as well.
Seriously. I couldn’t agree more!!
I’m still stuck in the 80’s/90’s when co-op meant getting together with 1-3 families to do learning activities together. We also had “Elective Classes” at a local church which is similar to today’s co-ops where you drop your kids off or help in a non-academic way.
I’m not sure what to call the old-school idea of co-ops as I’ve confused people when I mention my co-op and they ask to join.
This is a great list to help way to the pro’s and con’s…
Heather recently posted…Jesus and Jell-O: A Sky Jell-O Tutorial
We say no to co-ops for many reasons including the ones you listed here:
LaToya @ recently posted…How to Choose an Online Homeschool Planner
We are doing 3 classes outside the home this year plus a homeschool choir. They are on different days so I know I will have a lot of running around but… daughter is so social and we don’t have kids in our neighborhood. This is the only downfall to homeschooling for us
I think the trick is just finding what works best for your own family. I’m sure you will have a great year!
I’m with Heather on the definition of co-ops. I will be taking my high school son to a drop off class for chemistry this coming year. But I will be involved with a true co-op with my 8 year old. We will be getting together with a couple of other families for My Father’s World. It won’t be on a regular weekly basis either, only once or twice a month.
That sounds like a good plan
It is wonderful to see someone’s else’s opinion on Homeschool co-ops. Our co-op is basically free (minus field trips) because it is run by us mothers. While it would be nice to have a drop-off co-op, I love the community we have been able to develop within our co-op. It has been a real blessing to our family!
The biggest pro for us is belonging to a community of homeschoolers. We have all been together for years. We know our families, inside and out. Sometimes, it can be a little too much, just like your real extended family. BUT, nothing beats a group of homeschoolers when they pull together. One of my friends lost her husband last year, and the entire group pulled together to help her, even helping to homeschool her children so they didn’t have to make major changes after losing their dad while their mom went to work. This year, one friend has cancer. Again, different members jumped in to help homeschool on chemo treatment days. We help each other in emergencies financially and every other way we can think of. When homeschool moms put their whole heart in a group, they will find that they get lots of love in return. I could not do without my homeschool group, even if it limits my schedule one day a week.
It sounds like you have a truly wonderful group!