I’ll admit it.
I AM a homeschool snob.
Not in the sense that I believe that homeschooling is the only way for everyone. No, I don’t believe that.
I guess I should say I’m more of a snob about the flexibility that homeschooling allows.
A few years ago, before we moved to Florida, we went to Legoland and Sea World between Christmas and New Year’s. Rookie mistake, yet I wasn’t a rookie! After we left Sea World I looked at my husband and said “what in the world were we thinking??”
It’s not because I don’t want to associate with other schoolers, we have plenty of friends that make other educational choices. It’s purely out of convenience. Out of simplicity. Places are just less crowded! We have grown accustomed to having places like the park and the library to ourselves and even the grocery store during the week.
And then school breaks hit or summer break starts.
Just last week we took the kids to a sailing class. It was a great class but it was crowded. We will go back, but you can be sure that we will wait until September. I mean, why not? Who wants to deal with a crowd if we don’t have to?
Are you a homeschool snob? What places or events do you avoid when school is out?
That sounds like me
My husband mentioned several “outing” ideas over dinner the other night, with which I responded, “Well, we won’t be hitting any of those until September. Wait until school gets back in…..too many people for me.”
Ha! Ha!
We plan our family’s vacation for the last week in August and the first week of September because everything is still open but the kids are back in school!
Great time to vacation!
That’s a great time to vacation!
LOL I had to laugh when I read this. I am SO a homeschool snob, especially when it comes to the use of our community pool. Our FAVORITE times to swim there is when the brick and mortar school kids are still in session. When they are out for summer, we only go swimming in the early morning (simply to beat the crowd)!
And I must add…I decided to homeschool (almost) year round in order to take breaks during the school year when all the brick and mortar kids were back in session.
Patty recently posted…And The Beat Goes On – Daybook Post
Yep!! We get spoiled!
You know it!
All year round I wait until I know school buses have to head back to school to do our local science museum. But not early morning because that’s when the preschool crowd is there. In the summer I go in the mornings more because the science camp kids get free time to roam in the afternoons.
I loathe camp kids. There. I said it.
LOL! Yes you did!
We don’t do library storytimes during the summer — because they are packed wall-to-wall. Even the daycares come to storytime in a bus(!!!)
Um, why don’t they just do story time at the day care???
Yes we are!!! Keilee doesn’t like going anywhere that people might mistake her for a public schooler. Just because she thought now it’s so cool to be able to homeschool. Love this!!!
That’s awesome!
We have zoo passes to our local zoo, and got used to small (or no) crowds when we would go during the week in the winter. On the first really nice weekday of spring, we piled into the car for a zoo trip – forgetting that it was Spring Break in the local school districts! We couldn’t get anywhere NEAR the zoo, the line of cars was so long. We got out of the traffic and headed for a peaceful day at a nature center. That’s when I realized I was a homeschool snob! I like having the zoo to ourselves… sigh… I can’t wait for next school year to start!
I know!
We just made the mistake of going to the pool after school got out. Wow! What a zoo! My daughter said, “Mom, let’s wait until those kids go back to school to come back here!”
Ha! Ha!
At first I was thinking….I am NOT a homeschool snob. But, guess what, I am! Funny, my 20 year old just took 4 of her siblings to the zoo today. The 13 year old came home today and said it was SO CROWDED!!! Yep, he’s used to my trips when brick and mortar school is in session
During busy times I avoid: zoos!, any museum, libraries, etc. I even try to hit the parks in the morning (before 8:30) when we seem to be the only ones up (helps with my little ones not being climbed over by other kids!)
It’s nice to have the flexibility!