Connecting with a teenager is not always easy. In fact it can often be down right difficult!
Our oldest is only 14, well, 14.5 as he likes to point out. I know we have several more teenage years to get through as well as 5 other children coming down the teenager pike. Oh my!
One thing I know for certain is that parenting never stays the same. We constantly have to adjust and recalibrate. For our oldest, 12 & 13 seemed to be very challenging years. 14 was a turning pointΓ for him. A little bit of maturity on his part and a whole lot of faith and patience on our part helped!
Understanding Our Teenagers
I know I’m good at forgetting how hard it can be to be a teenager. The push and pull for independence is strong. Often our expectations are pretty high, particularly for our oldest. They tend to be the guinea pig for everything!
Also, I think it’s easy to wrap too much of ourselves into our children – particularly for homeschooling moms. We want to “prove” to the world that we have done a good job and haven’t screwed them up. I have heard it said as parents we “take too much credit for the good our children do and too much grief for the dumb stuff they do as well”.
Our goals is to raise competent adults – and sometimes that means we need to back off and let them soar AND let them fail. Oh is that hard! We love them so fiercely we want life to always be smooth sailing for them. However, we do our children a huge disservice if we make life too cushy.
Ways to Connect with Your Teenager
Meet Them Where They Are At – This is pretty simple and probably something most of us have been doing for a long time, but be interested in what they are interested in! My oldest is obsessed, I mean obsessed curso google ads com certificado EBAC. For me watching golf on tv is like watching paint dry – I can think of a million things I would rather do. Since moving to Florida golf has become a true love for him. He plays regularly now on the high school golf team and in area tournaments. This isn’t a passing fancy, so I knew I needed to educate myself on the golf terms and some of the more well known players. I didn’t want to constantly be asking “now what’s a bogey again?”. No one wants to talk to someone who is always clueless! I don’t love golf, but I do love my son so I can expend a bit of energy to learn a bit about something he is so passionate about.
Don’t Lower Expectations – Our society doesn’t set the bar too high for teenagers anymore. It’s become acceptable that as parents we have to tolerate the eye rolling, laziness, self-absorbption and general apathy of teenagers. While it’s a proven fact that teenagers need more sleep during these years and that our early birds suddenly turn into night owls, back-talk and general disrespect does not have to come with the package. As they are seeking more independence, it’s natural to reject some of our ideas and of course challenge our rules. However, they can learn their way in this world without being complete jerks to the people that love them the most. Good manners, being kind and being respectful are always important.
Teens and Social Media – This topic could be an entire blog post on its own! We all know the hazards of social media (and not just for our teenagers either!), so I will touch on how we use it as a way to stay connected. My son likes to jokingly refer to me as “stalker mom” because I follow and regularly check in on his social media activity. As my husband likes to say “trust but verify”. It also doesn’t hurt to have Grandma as one of your Instagram followers π Anyway, we often tag each other on different Instagram photos. For me, I’m tagging him on quotes, scripture or other items I find inspiring, for him he’s usually tagging me on a golf photo he thinks I will like. It’s another simple way to connect. Social media is here to stay so we may as well be teaching/modeling appropriate ways to use it.
Favorite Recipes – It’s no secret that teenagers love to eat. Their bodies are growing and changing rapidly so if it seems their heads are always stuck in the fridge or the cupboard it’s for a good reason! Making family meal times a priority continues to be important through the teen years, perhaps even more important than ever.
Macaroni and Cheese is my son’s favorite food. He will stop whatever he is doing to come and eat this dish. It isn’t the healthiest recipe so I don’t make it often, but making a favorite recipe is a simple way to show a little love. Also, bringing home a favorite snack from the grocery store can express the same sentiment.
Finally, and most importantly,
Keep Instilling the FaithΓ – Our teenagers need our prayers more than ever! Also, they need to be surrounded with godly friends. As they grow it can be helpful to share our own faith journey. It’s also helpful to for our teenagers to have mentors, other adults that can model and help them on their faith journey. The teenage years are the time when they really start to own their relationship with Jesus.
(Jacob with Ms. Nancy. She is in charge of the Altar servers at our parish and she nominated him for Altar Server of the Year last year. This is at the mass with the Bishop of our diocese)
What are some ways that you stay connected to your teen?
Family Encouragement Pinterest Board
Let Your Kids Know You Love Them
So many great words of advice here. 14 does seem to be a pivotal year, and I appreciate that you point out we still need to keep the behavior standards HIGH.
I have loved watching your children grow and mature!
Thanks Mary!
Awesome post Jen, you nailed it!!! What a great guy you have as well, sounds like he’s pretty amenable to being the first kid π
Meredith recently posted…Middle School to High School, Making the Transition
Thanks Meredith! He’s a keeper π
Jen recently posted…Connecting with Your Teenager
Wonderful post! I agree with you in that social media is here to stay, we may as well model how to use it properly. π
Thanks Eva!
Jen recently posted…Connecting with Your Teenager
You got it! Those are all great ideas. Another thing I try to do is be a little more open to just sitting and listening when they feel like talking, whenever that may be. Today it was college plans (while 3 other kids were waiting for help with school – but I knew it was important to this child). My 18 yr old son likes to get home after work at night and start chattering up a storm…just after most of the family has gotten into bed and I am on my way. But I remind myself that I am fortunate to have older kids who want to talk to me π And I really do enjoy talking to them. Though occasionally I pretend I am sleeping because I am just too tired to talk and figured that’s less rude…though a lie…but I think that’s ok π
You know I thought we might bypass the whole “night owl” thing because my kids have always been early risers, but nope! It’s like a switch flips at some point and they like to stay up late and sleep in. I’m not a night owl, so yes this is something I have to work on π
yes….mine have always been early risers too…then the switch flips and the teens become night owls and the younger ones & parents are still early risers. Good luck on your sleep π
Jen – Having home schooled two teens through high school, I have to say you are right on track. I’d also like to share the idea of not parenting from a spirit of fear. When I made mistakes as a parent, it was almost always related to reacting because I was afraid for my child. Trust in God to cover your mistakes, as we all make them. I totally agree with your husband’s philosophy of “trust but verify.” Wise man. Thank you for this helpful and insightful post!
I think that is an excellent point Beth! It’s easy to fall into that, so much to be worried about sometimes. Great reminder. Thanks for reading π
What a fantastic post!!
Reading through it, one of the things I know I fail at is “Meeting them where they are at”. I can’t tell you how many times I ask, “What is the thing called that goes on the horses head when you ride it?” Ugh.
You’ve encouraged me here! Thank you!
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