I made a short video (because I know your time is precious!) on why we started homeschooling and why we continue to homeschool.
Almost everyone will have a different why and after 10 plus years of homeschooling our why has evolved, yet stayed the same.
I totally need to work on my public speaking skills, but you get my drift!!! ๐
5 Reasons We Homeschool
Flexibility – We can control our schedule. We love that part!
Share our Faith – Huge reason. This goes without saying that this is most important (although I didn’t talk about it first). Sharing our faith on a daily basis has been a huge blessing.
Share our Family Values – We can decide what family traditions are important.
ย Time Together – We have lots and lots of time to be together. I will never regret or take for granted this time I have with my children.
ย Customized Education – Again, this has become even more important over the years with our special needs kids. We can truly make their education their own. Priceless.
Thinking About Homeschooling?
Are you thinking about homeschooling your children? Wondering if you can make it work? Have a lot of small children and don’t think you have the patience? You CAN! I had those same doubts too. We have had our bumps along the way, but when I look back on all we have shared together I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Gentle Ways to Start Homeschooling
Homeschooling in a Large Family
Thanks so miuch for sharing! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and it encourages me greatly. I am also a Catholic homeschooling mom and my only connection with Catholic homeschoolers is online. There is no one else in our area. I really enjoyed the video. Hope you will do another one soon! God bless, Trish
Thank you so much! When we first started homeschooling, we were in the same position, the only Catholic homeschoolers in our area and at our parish. I was so thankful for the internet! Keep going and keep persevering in this beautiful vocation for our children. I have another video for next week ๐
Thanks for sharing, Jen! I enjoyed the quick listen and reminder as we head toward the new school year to really rediscover/remind ourselves why we homeschool. After this many years it’s a little easy to lose sight of the whys. It is for me any way.
I must say several other things: Loved hearing your voice! Also, while I was listening, I was keenly aware of your gift for decorating (please come over and help me!)…beautiful space! Add to that, your radiance and beauty (lipstick color…perfection!) and you just made my day with this video!
Happy Wednesday, Jen!
Hi Sarah,
You just made my day! Thank you! I have to admit I had to move some of my children’s “stuff” out of the background ๐ Many blessings on your new school year.
Jen, even though I don’t homeschool I am always looking for ways to improve my son’s education. We started first with public school and we have now moved to a private school a few years ago. I don’t know what the future holds for him as he starts high school. What you have taught me as I have read your blog over the years is exactly what you said here, you can customize your child’s education. It doesn’t need to be a cookie cutter education. I am keeping my options open, looking to see if private school is still the avenue we want to continue down. There are so many educational opportunities for today’s young people.
Hats off to all homeschool families who make the commitment to teach their children successfully as you, Jen continue to do!
P.S. Love your decorating too!
Thank you Chris, I appreciate it! There definitely is no one perfect solution, all we can do is keep trying ๐
I love it — you are very articulate and you tell it like it is. I love that about you ๐
Thanks Mary!
I’m so glad I found your site! I love your reasons for homeschooling, I feel much the same way as a new homeschool mom. I feel like homeschooling really fuses together so many aspects of our faith, from building a strong family to bringing up children in the way of the Lord. I will have to poke around your site, I love learning from more seasoned homeschool moms. God bless!
Thank you! I’m glad to have you here ๐