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Let me start off by saying, the number of books you read each year isn’t important. The mom who reads 150 books per year is not more together than the mom who reads 10. The point is to read! Let your kids see you read. Your husband see you read. What you value your family will (eventually) value.
Reading Throughout the Year
I challenged myself again in 2017 to read 75 books. It took me right up until the week before Christmas, but mission accomplished.
Full disclosure: I do include the 10-12 books we read aloud during our Power Hour time for school. 10-12 books doesn’t seem like a whole lot because we tend to not read much over the summer break and our Christmas break. I read and the kids read individually but not as a group.
Anyway, it’s fun to set a goal to read a certain amount of books. It keeps me motivated! I have set a goal of 75 books again for 2018. I keep track of my books in Goodreads. Not only is it a great way to keep track of books read, but it’s a great resource for future books to read.
After reading Sarah’s podcast at Read Aloud Revival about how to find more time to read, I made a goal for our family to “never leave the house without a book”. I tend to pull my phone out when I’m waiting for someone because of course I always have that with me, but I’m going to be more mindful of not getting sucked into vortex of social media and read an actual book. I want my kids to get into the same habit as well. The other suggestion I would make regarding reading more books, is to always have a fresh book ready and waiting. I solve that by having multiple books going at once.
Say what?
I never used to think I could read more than one book at a time, but a few years ago I tried and found I liked it a great deal. Sometimes when I thought I didn’t really feel like reading it was often that I just didn’t want to read the book I had going. I was in the mood for a different kind of book. Now I have a fiction book going, a non-fiction, our family read aloud, and one or two spiritual books.
How I Structure My Reading
My Bible/spiritual reading kicks off the morning. I’m most able to concentrate in the early morning when no one is awake yet. With my coffee of course! I can chew on nuggets during the day as well.
During the day I read my non-fiction book. This is both my quiet time book and my out and about book. It seems like this type of book is much easier to read snippets of and can handle interruptions without feeling like I have to reread any parts.
Finally, before I go to bed is my time to read fiction. This is the time I have the least brain power and I’m just looking to get involved in a good story.
Favorite Books of 2017
The Catholic Table – a book I didn’t realize I needed to read!
A Green & Ancient Light – such an interesting and unique storyline
The Orphan’s Tale – Takes place during World War II
The Lock Artist – This book originally came on my radar as a book for my 16yo to read over the summer for his summer reading requirement. He ended up not reading it but I did. After reading it I’m glad he didn’t as there was some more adult content. Interesting book.
Small Great Things – This was a book club pick. I’m not always a fan of Jodi Picoult but this book was excellent.
Embassy Row – Teen fiction that I somehow picked up at the library. Not great literature by any stretch, but an interesting storyline and great for in between books that are more weighty in nature. I ended up reading the entire series!
The Dry – I can’t remember how I learned about this book but I was intrigued right away because it was set in Australia. If you like detective stories that are a bit gritty (but not over the top) then this is a good choice.
A Man Called Ove – A sweet story. I didn’t think I would like it but I did!
The Bookshop on the Corner – I love reading books about bookshops, people who own bookshops, and books. This is a fun little read.
More book lists
Mary’s list The 50 Books I Read in One Year
What was your favorite of 2017? What should I have on my to be read list?
My wife rocks!
Ha! 🙂 Thanks
Great list, I read the teen book series too, they were fun!
They were a fun read 🙂
Jen recently posted…Favorite Books of 2017