Why We Use Five in a Row

Today I have the honor of guest posting at Homegrown Learners.  I think I have followed Mary since she began her blogging journey!  I not only admire her as a homeschooling mom, but as an awesome blogger as well.  When she asked me to join in on her Homeschool Guest series, I eagerly accepted. I’m […]

How We Study Latin – The Younger Years

We initially tried Latin when Jacob was young, first grade or so, and we didn’t have much success.  Not only was he probably a bit too young, but my heart wasn’t really in it.  It was just something I felt we should do, another box to check off in our day.  I didn’t see the […]

Lewis & Clark Resources

Right now we are knee-deep in our Lewis and Clark study with Paths of Exploration.  I have written before about how much we are enjoying Paths of Exploration this year.  We are particularly enjoying the Lewis and Clark study.  I really had no idea how important their exploration of the west was to our country. […]

Interest Led Learning :: Making Movies

One of the myriad of things I love about homeschooling is the opportunity for my children to discover and pursue their passions.  If you have been reading our blog for any length of time, it’s no secret that Jonah is an outdoor enthusiast and an animal lover.  Nature is Jonah’s passion.  Jacob, not so much. […]

WUTW :: Scrapbooks {2/3/2012}

I’m linking up with the Homeschool Mother’s Journal In my life this week… In our homeschool this week…we have added a few new things to the mix this week, so far so good! Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…Jacob and my Dad are spending the weekend in North Carolina visiting my sister and her […]

Paths of Exploration

This semester we are embarking on volume two of the Trail Guide to Learning Series – Paths of Exploration.  Currently my older children are in 5th, 3rd and 2nd grades.  This is the first year in many years that we have used packaged curriculum, mostly because we have preferred a more relaxed approach to learning. […]

WUTW – John Smith & Baseball – 10/7/2011

Around the House ::  The Detroit Tigers managed to pull it off last night and beat the Yankees!!  Next up, the Tigers will be playing our friends in the south, Jacob is cooking up a friendly wager for the girls (and boy!) in Texas I worked on our Christmas card last night.  By the end […]

WUTW – Jamestown and Salamanders 9/30/2011

What we are Reading ::  It’s been a while since I have shared what we are all reading… Bob and I have been on a Vince Flynn kick lately.  Bob has never been much of a reader (can you imagine?) but when we took our trip to Sanibel Island, he started reading a Vince Flynn […]

WUTW – Columbus & St. Andrew Kim – 9/23/2011

Around the House ::  This week wraps up our first full six weeks of our learning year.  So far so good.  I’m really happy with our schedule and really happy with our curriculum choices. In the Kitchen ::  We were busy with our theme/feast dinners this week.  See below.  The last couple of  Monday’s I […]