Family Read Alouds ::
During the Day Reads ~ Five Children and It
To the boys ~ The Hobbitt
To the girls ~ selections from Listen to This! Stories to Read Aloud Handbook
My Reading List ::
The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur
The Happiness Project
On my Kindle: Digestive Wellness for Children
Around the House :: Nothing extra, this week I was just glad to stay caught up with laundry!
Around the Kitchen :: Homemade hamburger buns and homemade tortillas. The hamburger buns weren't quite right, I think my kitchen wasn't warm enough for them to rise properly. Not sure if I will try them again. The tortillas on the other hand were a bit more of a success. From Jonah, "mom these are way better than the store kind, can you make them again?"
Winter Outings :: lots of sledding and shoveling
Education :: I planned to order Jacob’s next MUS book, but the website was having a glitch. I got a wee bit frustrated I couldn’t get what I needed, so I went to another site to order a few other new books, Jonah and Sarah needed new phonics books, and ended up getting Horizons math for Jacob. How’s that for choosing a new math program? Also, we just ordered these great new planners that the kids really like using. In the past we used a checklist, but I think these feel more “official”.
Jacob ~ Calculadder Drills, Nate the Great books, Handwriting, Vocabulary
Jonah ~ MUS, Top Readers series, Handwriting, Copywork, Phonics
Sarah ~ MUS, all kinds of easy readers, Handwriting, Phonics
Along the Alphabet Path: - Letter “N” Week ~ I have to admit I couldn’t get too fired up about N week, I am thinking ahead to letter R week. We are going to spend the week immersed in Russia, and I am really looking forward to it. We are going to more year round schooling and I have decided when we wrap up the Alphabet Path we are going to get back into Five in a Row. I love the program and the excellent literature and look forward to revisiting the books with the younger kids.
Anyway, here’s what we did for letter N: Some worksheets from Enchanted Learning, read about St. John Neuman, and read nursery rhymes. We also read a few Fancy Nancy books and Noisy Nora.
No craft, no pictures, sorry! ~ Some weeks are just like that ;)
No craft, no pictures, sorry! ~ Some weeks are just like that ;)

Join along and link up your week!

I bet you are all ready for R week! How exciting. Will you be doing anything special for the Chinese New Year? We may join a TX Korean/adopt. group in Austin for some celebrations.
Gotta LOVE it when they tell you how good something tastes. WooHoo!
I meant to say that I'll link up later in the day. :)
Sounds like a great week! I'm looking forward to seeing your post about R week!
Homemade tortillas? Yum. You need to post that recipe. We eats lots of those around here. I did loads of laundry this week too!
Have a restful weekend. :)
I'm just impressed that you stayed caught up with the laundry! It's my ongoing Achiles heel:-) Did I spell that right? LOL
oh I see you have St. John Neumann for your patron saint for 2011 -- how wonderful! I wouldn't have a craft or pic to share either if I was making homemade hamburger buns and homemade tortillas ! :) ahh, the weekend is here.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've enjoyed looking through yours, too. Your week looks lovely - full of ideas and beauty.
Ring true,
HI Jen!
Thanks for the link to the planners, it looks like an interesting way to organize lessons, but I don't have confidence in my children to have them fill out their own schedule :) Maybe one day these planners will fit our needs :) Looks like a fun and productive week once again with or without crafts and pictures :)
God bless! Tracy
PS: thanks for linking your post up to No Ordinary Blog Hop :)
HI Jen!
Thanks for the link to the planners, it looks like an interesting way to organize lessons, but I don't have confidence in my children to have them fill out their own schedule :) Maybe one day these planners will fit our needs :) Looks like a fun and productive week once again with or without crafts and pictures :)
God bless! Tracy
I meant to say that I'll link up later in the day. :)
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