All this talk about how Jobs revolutionized our world, and how he was the Thomas Edison of our time, has really made me think. Choosing life, choosing adoption is not just about saving a child that may grow up to do great things in the technology field, or the medical field, or the literary field. Choosing life, choosing adoption is about realizing that every life is precious, every life is a gift from God, regardless of what that person is able to "give back" to our society. Regardless of what a person accomplishes in life, every person is wanted by someone, every person is important.

I'm thankful that some good has come from his passing. The Steve Jobs story has been a platform for raising awareness about pro-life issues and adoption. Many stories have been published in papers, that have in turn, have been tweeted or shared on facebook a thousand times over. It's all good.
However, the harsh reality is that there are so many children in the US and around the world that wish just one person would think they are important. Important enough to add to their family on a permanent basis. Chances are good that that child won't grow up to win a Nobel Prize, cure cancer, or win a World Series. Frankly, there are some children who aren't able to "give back" much of anything at all, at least not in the worldy, secular sense of giving back.
Dr. Seuss really did get it right when he said a "person is a person, no matter how small". It could be changed up a bit for this scenario, "a person is a person, no matter what their earthly accomplishments might be". Life is good, choose it.
Well said!
Very true. Adoption is a wonderful gift to a family, a child, and mankind.
Well said! Every child is a precious gift from God. Thank God that his birth mother chose life and that the birth mothers of your beautiful children did the same.
That is my ALL time favorite from Dr.Seuss! And, really, compared to God's infinite greatness we are ALL so very small- and yet He sees us each as so important and worthy of being loved. Excellent post!
this is a wonderful post, Jen. Adoption does great things for the child and the adoptive family. As John Paul II said, it is an echange of gifts. Adoption does great things for society but it also is a clear statement that life is precious, that every person does count ! thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful commentary. Thanks for this!
Beautiful post and reflection, Jen. You said things perfectly!
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