Around the House :: The Detroit Tigers managed to pull it off last night and beat the Yankees!! Next up, the Tigers will be playing our friends in the south, Jacob is cooking up a friendly wager for the girls (and boy!) in Texas :)
I worked on our Christmas card last night. By the end of today, I hope to have them ordered. I'm always a tad obsessive about our Christmas cards. I like to get them done early, because it's one less thing I have to worry about as it draws closer to Christmas. This year we decided to do a collage of photos from the year instead of trying to get one "perfect" shot, I'm happy with it. I don't think I love it, but I do like it and it's hard to top last year's card. That one I loved. I was really happy to see that Shutterfly had a good selection of Christmas cards that actually said Merry Christmas!
In the Kitchen :: Last weekend was busy and I never took the opportunity to write down a meal plan. While we survived the week, it's much nicer to have a plan. I'm going to try and make Thursday my afternoon for planning meals and school for the following week.
Learning :: Jonah and Sarah have been working on telling time and some calendar math. Bob and I were out by ourselves for a bit this weekend at a mall with a Lego store. I remembered that Mary @ Homegrown Learners had purchased a perpetual calendar for her son. I knew that Jonah would love it and it would be something he and Sarah could work on together. It was a big hit with both of them.

In other math news, even though last week I mentioned that we were really happy with all of our curriculum choices, I made the decision to move Jacob into Math U See. He wasn't thrilled at first, but after a couple of days he was hooked. I like the way Math U See presents each lesson and they all like watching the DVD's.
For a short period of time this week the younger kids were sitting quietly on the couch reading their books. It doesn't happen too often, so I had to grab a photo. I'm hoping this is a bit of a glimpse into our future!
Paths of Exploration :: This week we really delved into the journey to Jamestown. We were interested in learning more about John Smith this week. We picked up some supplemental books from the library and took some time to watch this short movie. He certainly was an interesting character and has really captured the boys attention. I've had the quote "those who do not work, do not eat" from John Smith on our white board in the kitchen this week - I like it!
There are several movies about Jamestown on Netflix, I'm going to preview a couple of them this weekend. This afternoon we are going to watch the Disney version of Pocahontas.
I'm bringing the younger kids along for the Jamestown ride (for a few things anyway) because we are planning a trip to Williamsburg in November, and they will be more interested if some of people and places are familiar.
I'm linking up this week with Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and NOBH.
Happy Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary!
What a fantastic week! I keep hearing great things about Math U See. I am going to have to look into it. Right now we are doing the Charlotte Mason Business Math and I have expanded it so that it is all we are doing for math this fall. When we are done, I will need a new program as we left Aleks because the girls were not mastering the concepts. I will check Math U See out!
Aren't they all cute-as-buttons lying on the sectional with their books and blankets?!
Ha ha ha! :) Tell Jacob it is on (wink)! BTW, just like last year, we were just so happy that the Yankees were not in the World Series. I LOVE that calendar! We have a Legoland Discovery Center in DFW and I wonder if you can purchase items there. Usually those places trap you by exiting through the gift shop LOL
Love the picture of them reading peacefully on the couch! I agree that moments like that need to be captured on film so that later, you can prove to yourself that they actually happened!
Thanks for sharing your homeschooling with NOBH!
Both of them on the couch reading is adorable. Jamestown looks like a wonderful trip.
A Lego calendar- it does not get any better than that!! :) And, those quiet reading on the couch moments are precious. We are still a little up in the air on math- I honestly love MUS, but we are also working on a more living math approach. I have spent the school budget for right now, so we are going to have to make do with that anyway! It looks like you had a great week.
Glad to have found your blog through WUH:) You have a beautiful family...the photo of everyone reading is sweet. I also love the quote by Anne Sullivan in your footer- such wise words!
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