A couple of years ago we started praying a portion of the rosary in the morning before our school day starts. While we only pray a decade of the rosary each day, it still gives the kids an opportunity to become familiar with the various prayers as well as the mysteries for each day. Although a decade doesn't take very long, it still seems to be a challenge for my kids to sit still.
I made this simple book a couple of years ago and it has held up well, we still use it each morning.
I printed out the prayers and used google image to find the appropriate picture to correspond to the mystery.
I took it to a copy store and had it laminated with a heavier lamination than I have at home and had it spiral bound.
My readers can follow along if they choose, and my non-readers can easily identify the different mysteries.
I made up a second book to be used in a more hands on way. I glued the images to index cards and had them laminated. It then can be used as more of a matching game. The mysteries are on the left side and then they can look through the images and find the ones that match, and place them in the proper order on the right side.
In another effort to make it more hands on for the younger children, I had crocheted roses made. Red roses for them to use to count the Hail Mary's, the white rose is used for the Our Father. I will admit sometimes the kids (boys!) end up throwing the roses at each other instead of using them properly - but I'm sure your kids would never do such a thing! It's not perfect, but it has become a good habit for our day and eventually we will be at a point where we can all sit still for the entire rosary.

Here are a few more resources:
Rosary Lapbook - this would be a great, month long project
History of the Rosary
Rosary notebooking pages
Rosary coloring pages
What is your favorite rosary help?
Jen, thank you so much for these resources! I am definitely going to check them out! I made a similar book a couple of weeks back. What a great idea to bring it to get laminated. I think I'll do that.
God bless,
This book that you created is so neat! I have tried similar things over the years and my kids just learned best by doing. Just the repetitive routine and habit of praying the rosary (with a laminated aid that I bought with scriptural meditations on each decade) seemed to ultimately work best. Soon our toddlers were saying their prayers just by listening and no one "teaching" them, per se. We also bought a rosary CD that my kids listened to (at night) in their room before bed. It was soothing and relaxing and soon they couldn't live without it. Our CD player eventually broke and we were just saying the other day that we need to get back to that! Thanks for shaing and Happy Month of the Holy Rosary:)
That looks great. Very detailed and meticulous!
Great post, thanks for all the info. Also, Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday to you!!!! May our Queen of the Holy Rosary only bring you even closer to our Lord.
I just LOVE your rosary books, Jen. The second one especially. With Stan, we do one a day with him. With the older kids, I have them say one decade each at bedtime, on their own. I make up for the rest. A nun told me that was perfectly acceptable until they are definitely old enough to pray a complete rosary on their own.
You are such a good mother!
Happy Birthday Jen! I love your rosary book. This month I am working with my daughters on the rosary so your links are very helpful. For myself, I pray the rosary when I am running on my ellipitcal so the pamphlt from St. Joseph is what I use.
Happy Month of the Holy Rosary. and happy birthday! I love your rosary book.
Jen...this is great. I don't know much at all about the Rosary...what a helpful resource!
~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH
Love this! I have been wanting to teach my boys to do the Rosary and we just began yesterday and pledged to do a decade each morning as part of Circle Time before we start our other work. It went well yesterday and they were really interested :D Thanks SO much for the links and the gorgeous book! I think I may make one as well. Love the beautiful images depicting the mysteries. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed birthday.
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