Birthday season has begun at our house, so I have been planning and perusing Pinterest for birthday treat ideas. I didn't originally find this idea on Pinterest, this one evolved over dinner one night as we were brainstorming ideas. I did a little internet search, and was pleasantly surprised at what I found.
I ordered the Wilton baking sheets, but many people used regular muffin tins or a combination of two bowls to achieve the desired shape. I didn't think that regular muffin tins would make a big enough bowl, and I liked that the Wilton bowls had a small indentation around the bottom to keep the dough from oozing all over the baking sheet.
I also used the chocolate chip cookie recipe provided by Wilton. It was a more crumbly mixture than most chocolate chip cookie recipes.
I used a tupperware top as a guide to cut a circle from the dough to lay over the baking sheet.
I used my hands to help mold it to the baking sheet. The recipe said that 12 cookie bowls could be made with the recipe, but I was able to just get 8. That's okay, it was all I needed. It was a challenge to roll out the dough any thinner due to the chocolate chips.
I put the baking sheets in the oven and whispered a little prayer that the dough wouldn't spread into a gigantic, gooey mess!
I was pleasantly surprised with the results. I made this hot fudge recipe, and it was super easy and delicious. Along with some Graeter's ice cream and you have a pretty yummy dessert.

The birthday girl seemed pretty happy with the results!

Bottom line: The cookie bowls were easier to make and turned out better than I thought they might. A more crumbly cookie mixture is needed to ensure the dough doesn't spread into a big mess, however the downside is the chocolate chip cookie is more of a cross between a chocolate chip cookie and shortbread cookie. Not the best cookie recipe I've ever had. But, if presentation is more important than taste, it's a good way to go. It would be easy to have warm cookies right out of the oven with a better flavor, or my personal favorite a warm brownie. Don't these sound divine? Maybe next time!
I saw your pinterest pin of these! They are amazing. I am sure the taste mattered little to an excited 8 year old!
Those look great Jenn. And Graeters--such a treat! Maybe you can try using some cocoa in place of flour and omit the chips. If you have a pizzelle iron you can remove the hot pizzelle and promptly mold the cookie over the bowl. Use vanilla for a more traditional cone flavor.
that's a really cool idea! hey...we need to get our families together. i was thinking sometime in april. email me some open dates when you get a moment. :)
What a cool idea!!! The bowl didn't look as big in the first pics but when you showed it up next to Sarah, wow! quite a nice size.
I just printed off the hot fudge recipe as well. That looks so easy and would definitely make great gifts.
It looks as though she had a beautiful day.
I never thought of doing a waffle cone type dough, brilliant idea! Funny thing about the Graeter's, we live in MI, but my dh is in OH several times per week. He went down last week with a cooler and a bag of ice to bring home the ice cream. Turns out you can buy it at our local Whole Foods!
Cari, I was just thinking about you guys :)
Patty, I thought the same thing - a great gift idea.
Happy and blessed birthday to your 8-is-great-birthday-girl:) Super neat idea! Some of my kids, who don't care for cake, would love this:)
I was wondering if the chocolate chip cookie bowls would be your project. They look really yummy but sorry, not as super-yummy as those salted caramel brownies. Yum-oh as a famous TV cook would say. :) Happy 8th Birthday to your sweet girl!
BTW - we are just about done with our "busy season." Starting Jan 5 we have daughter's family day, son #2's birthday on the 20th, our anniversary on Feb 17, hubby's b-day Feb 26, son #3's b-day on Mar 1, and son #2's family day on Mar 19. Then we get a break until July. Whew!
I really love this idea. Thank you for sharing this, and I'm glad it worked out so well.
What a wonderful and creative idea! I love it. It would definitely make ice cream sundaes more fun. And I didn't think that was possible! Thanks for sharing with NOBH! Smiles -
Those really turned out well! I am not sure that presentation is more important than taste, but you do have the ice cream and hot fudge for taste- and that bowl makes an awesome presentation!
These look really good, Jen... I may have to try my hand at them soon.
The birthday girl look so happy! :-)
Just came over to your sight from 7Sistershomeschool.com. (I'm one of the "sisters") It caught my eye because 3 of my 6 children are adopted - one from Guatemala, the other two domestically.It's interesting to read about other people's experiences. Enjoy!
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