Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of my children. Â

I am humbled that You thought me worthy of watching over someone who is so precious to You. Â Equip me with all the wisdom, strength, and insight that I need to complete my assignment in a way that will be pleasing to You. Â Show me the way that I would take even as I instruct those ones whom You have entrusted to my care. Â
As I commit them into Your care, I trust You to keep them safe in all of their ways. Â Grant me an increased sense of discernment to recognize the work of the enemy in my children’s lives. Â Give me the strength to battle against the forces that will seek to pull their heart away from You, to break their spirit and bend their will. Â
When I grow weary, strengthen my weary arms and renew my faith in Your ability to keep us all. Â By the authority that You have given me over the lives of my children, through Christ, labor the plans of the enemy and his agenda for destroying the purposes of God in my children. Â Guide my prayer life to strategically call forth the destiny of these little ones. Â Help me to secure the inheritance that You have reserved for them. Â
But most of all, Lord, in those times when the going gets tough, remind me first that children are only part of my reward for answering Your call. Â Reaffirm my worth when the world is telling me that I have no value, and let me find my validation and all that is truly worthwhile in You. Â In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This beautiful prayer was on a holy card I received from the Cukierski Family
For more on Praying for Our Children
Beautiful, Jen. So many times I find myself needing to pray for myself more than what I do. A beautiful reminder to put up on the refrigerator door 🙂
Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer, Jen. My favorite line: “I am humbled that You thought me worthy of watching over someone who is so precious to You.”
Jenn, what a beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing. And thank you for the encouragement on my blog post. I am struggling right now, but I’m still attending mass, and I do love the church very much.
oops, I left my comment under my name without my blog. Just in case you don’t know who I am :_
Lovely blog- 🙂 Lovely family!
Wow! This prayer really resonated with me…especially at the end.
Thanks for joining A Real Adoption Blog Hop!
What a perfect prayer for a mother. We are in it for the long haul, and I feel it some times more than others. I love this line- “When I grow weary, strengthen my weary arms and renew my faith in Your ability to keep us all.”
I needed yo find this prayer thank youI will continue. To believe
I was looking for a prayer that I gave away at a retreat years ago. This was not the prayer but this touched me. I will print it and will put my children and grandchildren’s picture in it and keep it in my home for my family to see. Thank you for sharing the prayer. This prayer means so much to me. God bless.
Thank you, Jen. A real blessed prayer.
Could any of you tell me where this comes from? It is a prayer that I paraphrased to suit my circumstances.
Dear Lord – Thank you for these children I call mine. Not my possessions, buy my sacred trust.
Please teach me patience and humility so that the best I know may flow into there being. Let me always remember that a father’s love is my natural instinct but my children’s love must ever be deserved and earned. And that for love, I must give love; for understanding, I must give understanding and for respect I must give respect. And as I was the giver of life, let me always be the giver with no planned return. Help me to share my children with life and not to clutch them for my own sake. And give me the courage to do my share to make this world a better place for all the children – and my own. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen.
Bless you all,
with love,