We graduated to All About Reading Level 1 this week! I'm using it with Anna, Leah and Levi. I have written before about how well Pre-Level 1 worked for us, we were excited to start Level 1. I like that the kids can feel success right away with reading 3-letter words. It makes them that much more excited about reading.
I do think the program will move a bit too quickly for Leah and Levi, so I will have to make a few adjustments.
I plan to do a more thorough review after we have had a chance to really use the program.
If you are interested in learning more about Pre-Level 1, you can download a free activity book by following this link:

Jonah tried a new resource this week, Beginning Drawing. Jonah enjoyed working along with the DVD. He did get a bit frustrated at times, mostly because he wants everything to be perfect right from the get-go. I think he can learn a great deal from the video, he certainly loves to draw.

We started a new read aloud this week, My Side of the Mountain. A GREAT read so far. Right up the boy's alley and engaging for the girls too. Very easy to find many rabbit trails from this book. Jacob has been doing copy work from the book, and I'll share more activities as we go along.
I have been reading some Jan Brett books to the younger kids. The Hat and The Mitten are such cute stories. I wish I could knit like Baba :) We read them all week. Then we visited the Jan Brett website. She has tons of coloring pages and all sorts of activities. I think one could create an entire curriculum from her books alone!

On Thursday morning the boys left to visit my sister and her family in Vermont, they traveled with my Dad. Jonah was nervously excited, Leah was disappointed that she wasn't going too, and Jacob was just ready to go. I'm glad that they have the opportunity to spend some time with their cousins.
We have been quite the traveling family lately!
Around the House:

I worked on our Lenten clutter project for the weekend. The hall closet actually wasn't as bad as I thought, and doesn't look like a huge difference, but it is. I got rid of one garbage bag full of stuff and dispersed some other items to different spots in the house. We had a bit of a discussion on my Facebook page about bath towels, go like the page and join in on the fun :)
Fit & Healthy:
Yesterday I Googled "how many more days until summer" - it's less than 120! Shorts and tank-top weather is finally in sight again. Each month I host a 10 Day Challenge, an new one is starting up on March 4th. On March 8th my husband and I are doing The Ultimate Reset for the second time. We had great results the first time and thought it would be a good program to do again during Lent.
Please contact me if you are interested in finding out more!
Blog Happenings:
Earlier in the week I posted my thoughts about Finding Your Own Homeschooling Path, then I posted my thoughts on a favorite quote of mine from Blessed Mother Teresa, and finally, I posted my thoughts on a great parenting book - and a giveaway! I guess that's what you get here at my blog, my thoughts!
Have a great weekend and don't forget to stop by Mary's and visit some of the other great blogs that are linked up!

looks like a great week - yeah, I kept looking and looking at the closet picture to see what you cleaned up ;) I have a hall closet that would make you faint right now - it's on my list. Today I got shower doors done as an extra project ;) happy weekend!
Have a great weekend!
Decluttering ALWAYS feels good - whether the difference is big or small. =) Go yo!
My Side of the Mountain is an all time favorite around here. Are you trying the Stebbing videos? We loved those. I found that one of my boys did well when he could hit pause a lot- he is also a perfectionist and wanted to get it right. He also repeated some of the lessons that he thought he could get more out of. I actually did some with him. It was fun.
I have clicked over few times, I think from {P,H,F,R}, but never had time to look too much around....and then lately I have been thinking alot about adoption, and for whatever reason I keep clicking through other places to here! Ultimate reset - my husband and I planned to do this in January. Then we pushed it to Lent. I went one day alone and felt like I would kill somebody if I had to make all the meals on top of kids and homeschool! I am very interested in how you make it work with a family.
It was an interesting 3 weeks! It was a challenge to keep everything going, but I felt really good at the end, that's what is motivating us to do it again. It help tremendously for my hubby and I to do the Reset together, I'm not sure I would have stuck with it if I was doing it alone. Feel free to send me a message if you want more info - about the Reset or Adoption ;)
I just love all of the collage photos...Can you tell I'm a visual? Checking out that reading program for my next reader coming up...Always looking for good ideas. No reading program that I've found "fits all." Isn't that the beauty of homeschooling? Thanks for sharing all of these great tid bits! We love Jan Brett too:)
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