So I have shared my why for Homeschooling. Now what?
Most of us assume that our children will go to school where we did, the traditional school route. We turned out okay, right?
Something Better for Our Children
Maybe we desire something different, something better for our own children and our own family situations. Perhaps a traditional school isn't meeting the needs of our children, perhaps the schedule of our children waking up early to catch the bus, or only having a few minutes for lunch, or the shortened or non-existent recess {a recipe for trouble for most boys!} or the endless, often, pointless homework after being in school all day, or the lack of family time.
Maybe you have a children with special challenges that aren't being met at school. Maybe you have just adopted a school age child and are concerned about attachment and/or language issues.
Perhaps you are like I was and are concerned about the lack of time. The time to grow as a family. The time to be together before everyone ventures out into the great big world to their own vocations. All these thoughts were going through my head. I was being prompted by the Holy Spirit and the homeschooling seed had definitely been planted.
Homeschooling Doubts
We had our share of doubts about homeschooling, remember when we thought our kids would be weird? How could I meet the needs of everyone without going crazy myself? How can I teach everyone everything they need to know? And more.
The doubts can be overwhelming. Remember though,
"God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called."
It's so true, God gives us the grace and more than makes up for where we are lacking.
I'll touch on these and more Common Homeschooling Objections in my post for tomorrow.
Be sure to check out the other blogs that are participating in the summer 5 Day Series

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