Why Homeschool? Â It’s a big question right? Â I mean, why even consider it? Â Isn’t it much easier to leave the job to the professionals? Â Why take on the daunting task of educating your own children?
If you asked 100 different homeschooling families, you might get 100 different answers. Â Sure, there are many similarities in homeschooling families, but we are still a diverse bunch. Â For most people there probably isn’t just one answer either.
Why Do We Homeschool?
For me, and my family, it was mainly that I didn’t want my son to give the best hours of his day to someone else. Â The same went for me. Â When Jacob {our oldest} was entering Kindergarten I had three younger children. Â After a busy day with the younger kids, by the time Jacob would have arrived home it would be time for homework, dinner prep, dinner, and then the nighttime routine.
Not much time left for him to connect with us or his siblings.
Having him home with us meant that we could all sit together reading stories. Â We could all do an art activity. Â When the younger kids napped or had quiet playtime, Jacob and I could spend time working one on one.
We were able to spend the best part of our days simply being together.
Creating More Family Time with Homeschooling
Having time as a family is truly one of my biggest “whys” for homeschooling. Â Sure, I’m very anxious to give my children a solid Catholic upbringing, and I’m not crazy about a majority of the extra “stuff” taught in the public school system, but it really is quality time together that drives me.
The memories we have created and the relationships that have been, and are, being formed as we continue our homeschooling journey, that forms the basis of my “why”.
Join me for the rest of this 5 day series as I explore getting started on the right foot with homeschooling.
Tuesday: Thinking About Homeschooling?
Wednesday: Common Objections to Homeschooling
Friday: Putting it All Together
Be sure to check out the other blogs that are participating in the summer 5 Day Series

I remember those days of getting two tired, cranky kids home from school, rushing to dance/skating lessons, doing homework at the lessons, squeezing in dinner and falling into bed only to repeat the craziness the next day. I don’t miss it one bit! Sometimes I do long for a little bit of time to myself but now that the girls are old enough to stay home alone, I can sneak out here and there for an hour or two. I look forward to the rest of your posts!
This is great. Our original reason for homeschooling was because my oldest had severe test anxiety and the school system said she needed to be medicated, which we didn’t want to do. But now the time together is priceless. So many people told me before we made the decision to homeschool that my girls would hate me–but I think the opposite is true–we have a wonderful relationship that I can not imagine how we would have if they were in school.
When I first started our adventures, I never realized how many great memories we would make together. There are so many advantages that pop up along the way; ones that you would never have imagined.
I have young children and I pray all the time about when they are school aged what is the right decision for us and our family. I love seeing what helped other people decide.
And best of all, you get to mold your child the way you want. As they say, “no one cares like a mom” …. Homeschooling for me is the best option for a child’s education.