In my last post before my blogging break, planning tips for multiple ages, I mentioned that we were heading south for a quick trip and perhaps I would have some news to share about our family.
Our big news?
We are moving to Florida. We currently reside in Michigan so this is quite a move for our family. My husband is being transferred, but this is a move that we pursued.
Moving from Michigan to Florida
For many years we have been growing weary of the long, cold, snowy, gray winters here in Michigan. I know many people love snow and all the winter activities that go along with snow, but we are not those people.
For the past several years Bob and I have taken short trips to Florida during February. We fell in love with the warm weather and blue skies. This past December we rented a house on the beach and took the family to LegoLand and Sea World. I think staying in a home gave us a real sense of living there.
I went to Florida again in January for BEECH Retreat and Bob joined me afterwards for a few days. It seems like we spent the majority of the time dreaming about how we wanted to live in Florida. When we came home we put the wheels in motion. We started researching, praying, talking to friends who lived in Florida, and talking to friends who lived in Florida – and then moved back to Michigan.
Florida Here We Come
We realize that Florida is not for everyone, we came to the conclusion that we would regret not moving more than we would regret moving and perhaps deciding Florida isn’t the place for our family.

This past weekend we took the three oldest kids with us to do some house hunting and general scouting of the area. We had a wonderful visit, it very much confirmed our desire to move.
For the most part the kids are excited to move, Florida is a pretty easy sell! The only downside to this adventure is leaving family and friends. We’re working on getting those grandparents down there, at least for a few months out of the year, and we will have a guest room for any friends who would like to come our way!
I realize the next couple of months will be hectic, so my plan is to hold off on a majority of the curricula I outlined on Monday. I have some other things planned, a little more relaxed, that I will share with you next Wednesday. {Update: here are our florida school plans}
We are excited and nervous about this adventure for our family. We would certainly appreciate your prayers during this transition.
Any moving tips for me?
Here is my 10 Day series on Surviving a Cross-Country Move
A family adventure for sure!! Can’t wait to hear more about this big move. How wonderful!
YAY! I’m so excited for you, and excited that I will get to see you now when we travel to south Florida! I’ve so admired the way you talked about this, researched this, and then DID this! I’m praying for you, Bob, and the kids!
YAY! Maybe you’ll be close to me
You will LOVE Florida living. My husband and I left our mid-western town just a few months after our wedding for the sunny skies and warm climate of Florida. We have been here 16 years now and we still love it!
Also, I don’t know about the home school laws in MI but FL is still pretty home school friendly. If you are not familiar with “umbrella schools” be sure to check them out. I’m not sure where in FL you’ll be, but I know of a great Catholic umbrella school if you need one.
Good luck with the move! And, I will look forward to officially welcoming you to the Sunshine State soon!
How exciting!!!! Your feelings about Florida are how we feel about California. We moved there for a few months for my husbands work and it confirmed our feelings about homeschool and sparked a desire to move to CA as well. This is such an encouraging post!!! And very timely!!
Yay! I am so excited for you! You know – we made that exact move (except it was from Arkansas, not Michigan) 8 years ago. It was so hard to leave our family and friends – and our church home, but it was an opportunity that we both had peace about taking. It hasn’t always been easy, but I can’t imagine our life otherwise. (Now I can’t wait to hear how close you may be to us!)
prayers for a joyfilled move.
My wife and I just got back from vacationing in Florida and we loved it! We looked around at home prices and churches and were disappointed (by the spirit of Vatican II “communities”).
Alas, we love the weather and beach, but the family environment does not compare to the beautiful families and friends we have at our local parish here in Houston.
So we’re leaning towards remaining in Houston.
Such an exciting time for your family! I’m one of the crazy ones who loves Michigan winters and doesn’t care for the heat and humidity Florida offers, but I do enjoy visiting there during the long winter months.
Praying for you as you transition and move!
Thank you Ashley!
God has you right where he wants you!!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks Lena!
Thanks Jenn, we definitely have peace about this move. We are going to be in the Tampa area, not super close, but closer than we are now 😉
Thanks LaDonna!
Kari, thank you for your encouraging words!!
LaToya, we are going to be in Tampa.
Thanks Mary, we appreciate your prayers and look forward to seeing you soon. Your son must bring his baseball mitt!!
Thank you Tricia!
That’s 15 minutes from me
Yippee! I’ll definitely let you know when we get to town
Would you mind shooting me an e-mail, I’d love to chat more jen @ foreverforalwaysnomatterwhat.com Thank you!
You will do GREAT! Homeschooling the year of the move is the hardest. But, with time, you’ll be saying, “I can’t believe we did it!” The move and homeschooling through a big move! Through God’s grace you will conquer this major chapter in your lives!
I am so excited for you that you are really going to make your dreams a reality. You are so right about regrets. We only get this one life so you might as well try to make it the best you can. The worst that could happen is that you would discover that you don’t like it and have to move back after having a family adventure and probably growing closer. Even that wouldn’t be so bad. I am very excited for you!
Best wishes to your family! I am looking forward to reading along as you make this transition. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible!!
My husband and I have long wanted to move to a warmer area. So I feel you are blessed to have this opportunity. I’m over-joyed and excited for you! May God Bless you all on this new adventure!!
This is so inspiring! I hope you’ll do more posts on this subject. I just love it that you’re making this move for your family. Congratulations!
Thanks Jennifer! I’m plan to keep the updates coming about our adventure!
Jennifer, we are so thankful that we are able to move before another MI winter! Thank you.
Thanks Jessica!
Our thoughts exactly! Thank you.
Thanks Patty for long being my inspiration and support!!
Jen, I am so happy for you, Bob and the kids! I can’t wait to hear how your move goes and how you get settled into your new life there. Moving is big but it’s not something that can’t be changed if you realize down the road that your family’s needs have changed again and it no longer works for you.
OMGosh! Seriously!!! You’re coming down here? We are soooo going to meet up!!!
I’m in Tampa! If you have any questions, feel free to email me : ) This is my first year homeschooling but I have joined a coop close to me…
I’m so excited for you and your family, Jen! Look forward to following a long:)
My first thought when I read this was that CA is sunny and warm- you should come here. 😉 So happy for you and your family.
I just found your blog because a friend pinned your most recent post… Anyway.My husband and I have 3 young children and we have moved out-of-state TWICE in the last year. I just want to say that I know the last days of moving can get really crazy and stressful, so I’m saying prayers for you and your family now.
Enjoy FL! I spent five weeks there this past summer and I’ve been daydreaming about it ever since
Thank you, I appreciate your prayers more than you know! So far we are loving FL