It’s a wrap! Thanks for joining me for the last two weeks as I shared our cross-country move.

I hope that you found the series inspiring and a bit encouraging. We had many people tell us that loved the idea of just picking up and moving, but….There was always a “but”. I want you to know that we didn’t do anything special. We just decided moving was a dream we wanted to pursue and we did.
Perhaps people secretly thought we were completely crazy – maybe we are! My point is whatever your dream is, you can make it a reality.

If you missed any of the series, the complete links are below.

Day 5: Mourning After the Move

Fantastic series, Jen! Very inspirational to others.
Thanks for reading and participating Patty!!
This has to be the blog Patty was telling me about….our family is looking at possibly moving to either Texas (I want this state) or Arizona (my husband wants this state) from MN! I am bookmarking this page and am so happy I found you. You are so interesting. I’d love to read more about shakeology stuff and Beach Body stuff. I will be back to read these posts, thanks so much for posting!
SHhhhhh….the move is not final only a few people know we are thinking about it. (Patty is one)
Jamie Jo recently posted…My oldest is 14!
My lips are sealed 😉 I’ll just say it was the best decision EVER!! You could always compromise and come to FL!