Advent is a nice time of year to temporarily change things up in your homeschool, to mark the occasion as different from the rest of the year. Homeschooling through Advent can be simple and stress-free!
For us, outside activities are decreased. Baseball is over for two of our boys, and lacrosse has yet to start for two boys. Our evenings are less busy with outside activities. We are on a nice long break with our co-op. It’s the perfect time to lighten up on some of the more formal studies and build family memories.
This year we are also preparing for out of town guests. My sister and her family will be driving down from Vermont to see us, and my brother and sister-in-law are flying in for a short visit. We can’t wait!!! We are praying for safe travels for everyone and for some warm sunny weather in South Florida.
My goal by the time Advent begins is to have presents purchased and wrapped and St. Nick gifts ready to go. I also like to have my Christmas cards addressed and ready to go in the mail on December 1st.
Advent starts on November 30, 2014, so I need to plan accordingly.
Here is a Christmas Planning Printable that I created and used in my Advent/Christmas notebook last year:
As far as the following resources, I like to keep things simple. I believe it’s far better to pick a few items to start and finish rather than 10 items and never finish anything. I tried to give a good many options, but not to overwhelm. Pick the items that will work best with your family.
Advent doesn’t have to look the same in each house to be holy. No one does it perfectly.
Advent Resources for Homeschooling
Amanda Bennet Christmas Unit Study
Holy Heroes – Advent Adventure! – I highly recommend this resource, we have been using it for several years.
A Simple Start in Christmas Chalk Pastels – chalk pastels are an easy way to incorporate art into your homeschool, even for non-crafty moms! (like me!)
Homeschooling Through the Nativity
A Family Nativity Scavenger Hunt
Favorite Songs of Christmas Unit Study
Free Christmas Unit Study
Nature Study Through the Holidays: Advent
Advent Activities
Jesse Tree Ornaments: A Unit Study Resource
Advent and Christmas Pinterest Boards
Christmas Decorating
Christmas Gift Ideas
iHomeschool Network Christmas
Christmas Dinner
Christmas Cookies
Further Advent Resources and Ideas
Advent Craft – the easiest Advent craft ever!
Advent: Making Room in the Inn
How are you planning to celebrate Advent?