Our cub scout walked in the parade this morning. A heartfelt thank you to all those who have served, and given their lives for this great country. Happy Memorial Day!
Homeschool Mother’s Journal :: 4/13/2012
WUTW :: 3/2/2012 {Carnivals & Spring?}
In my life/homeschool this week…we had a good school week, even though February can feel like an extremely long month, we got lots of things accomplished. As I mentioned last week, the kids are thoroughly enjoying learning about Greek Myths and Famous Men of Rome. Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…I hosted the […]
Feast Day of St. John Neumann
Teaching Government to Young Children
When I attended my local public high school, one of the required classes for graduation was a United States Government class. I will admit I dreaded taking the class, frankly it sounded terribly boring. Government ended up being one of my favorite high school classes. It wasn’t the most exciting subject matter for a teen, […]
Homeschooling through the Holidays and a Winner!
Today I’m writing at The Homeschool Classroom about how we Homeschool Through the Holidays. On a similar topic, if you missed the group post on how we Celebrate Advent in our homes, please take a moment to read through that, you are certain to come away with a few new ideas! Also, commenter Isaiah 55:8-9 […]