"During the persecutions of 1839, 1846, 1866, and 1867, one hundred and three Christians in Korea gave their lives as martyrs. Among them were Father Andrew Kim Taegon, first Korean priest and pastor, and the lay apostle, Paul Chong Hasang. They consecrated the rich beginnings of the Church with their blood. "I urge you to remain steadfast in faith, so that at last we will all reach heaven and there rejoice together." - St. Andrew Kim Taegon, Final Exhortation." Magnificat, Sept 2010
We celebrated with Bee-Bim Bop and a Korean soft drink. If you haven't read the children's book Bee-Bim Bop
, it is a must read. Ours was so well loved it feel apart.
Happy Feast Day!

*more info on saint intercession here
Awesome job on the bee-bim-bop!
It is hard to find small statues of St. Andrew Kim. Have you ever had luck?
I once found a beautiful plaque made and painted by some monks in California. That is about it.
We got take out - I didn't make it! I have never looked for a statue, we have a small plaque but I can't remember where we bought it. I will have to ask Bob.
the bee-bim bop looks delicious! and I'll check out the book. happy feast day!
God Bless your feast day! Hope your colds and sore teeth/mouth are on the mend over there:-)
Thank you for the book suggestion. How was the soda?
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