What We Are Reading→
Me: The Domestic Church
On my Kindle: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Bob is reading The Hobbit
to the boys
Around the House→ Creating some extra storage space. Our kitchen is without a pantry so I have been trying to come up with a spot to put some of our extras. Bob used a space in the basement that is an unfinished bathroom as his office (poor guy!). With his new job he doesn’t require as much space to store things - so I took over a few shelves.

Now I am moving on to dressers and closets. My sister sent me this post, and according to her all my kids should have locks on their closets! Even before reading this I had taken the clothes out of my 4yo daughter drawers and it has been working well. The 5 & 6 yo girls do okay, as well as my 9yo son, but our 7yo son and 3yo son, well that is a different story! So, I am thinking about how things could be arranged more efficiently. My sister and I were brainstorming ideas while we were watching our kids at Tae Kwon Do, and I haven't had the “ahha” moment yet. I must figure out a way! One person noted that it cut her laundry time in half - in half. If anyone has any suggestions or tips, I am all ears.
* Leah knocked her tooth out last Saturday so she visited the dentist on Monday. Glad we had family photos taken before the knock-out! * Leah & Levi both had colds this week, ugh it’s starting again!
* Sarah had a follow up with her Orthopedic Surgeon on Wednesday, another re-check in 6 months
* Jonah is spending Saturday afternoon at a friend’s birthday party-he can't wait!
Please pray for Jacob on Saturday, he is doing his (junior) black belt pre-test. He will have a long afternoon of working hard.
Fall Kitchen→ We had Tea Time this week and enjoyed Apple Cider and Cheezits (!).
Feast Day→ We celebrated the Triumph of the Cross this week. We traced handprints and glued them in the shape of a cross to remind us that we are Christs hands on this earth. We made a Cross cake on Friday when the cake pan finally arrived! It worked out well that we could talk about the Cross during C week.
Discovery Time→
Bird Unit: Reading Burgess Bird Book
and finished up Max and Benedict
Along the Alphabet Path: “C” Week - We read Christopher Counting
, A Clifford
selection and Clara Catepillar
(lots of C words!). Practiced making the letter C in rice and then glued the rice on a piece of paper in the shape of a C. Spent a day collecting C words on the chalk board. We made sugar cookies in the shape of a C and enjoyed them with coffee (decaf!) drinks.