Today we went for a short nature walk around the pond behind our house. The kids found a frog, butterfly, and some grasshoppers. We brought the habitat inside and spent some time drawing them while listening to a Bach CD. The boys enjoy drawing their nature finds. We really only did formal school two days this week. With Labor Day, the baseball game, and Jacob's first day at Home School Central, it was a scattered week. We did get a good amount accomplished on Tuesday and today, but we are looking forward to a more normal week next week. The checklist system has been working well for me, I can see what we need to do with a quick glance. Then I have been filing them for future reference.
History has been enjoyable so far. We are mainly going to be focusing on Medieval times, starting with Britian. We have been learning about the Romans attempt at conquering Britian, next week we start to read about King Arthur. Jacob did a book of centuries page on Ceasar and Caligula.