What We Are Reading→
The Domestic Church
The Domestic Church
On my Kindle: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Bob is reading The Hobbit
to the boys
Around the House→ Clothes swapping for the fall/winter, changing sheets to flannel and adding extra blankets.
Fall Kitchen→ We had Tea Time this week and enjoyed Maple Bear snacks. We are memorizing a poem called The Woodpecker by Elizabeth Madox Roberts. I have also been reading a short chapter from Mind Your Manners, Dick and Jane.
(good grief do we need this!)
I have been having good luck with our new bread recipes. I made several loaves of sandwich bread and made a Challah recipe for soup night, super easy and good.
Discovery Time→
Bird Unit: Reading Burgess Bird Book
and Max and Benedict
. The boys enjoyed trying to make their own nests out of clay and (fake) grass.
Along the Alphabet Path: “B” Week - This week was all about B for the younger kids. We read about St. Bernadette and colored an Immaculate Conception coloring page. We learned the ASL sign for B, and spent lots of time practicing and reviewing. We read The Big Red Barn
and The Runaway Bunny
. The kids cut pictures from magazines and glued them to a letter B. Sarah worked on finding things that started with the letter B before cutting and pasting.
On Friday we made this cute bird craft and made Frosted Banana Bars.
Along with the Bird Unit and Alphabet Path, Jacob, Jonah, and Sarah have been working on math, copy work, Explode the Code, and reading. A busy and productive week!

what a great learning table you have. and such fun educational activities. I want to get that Max and Benedict book. do you have the Joseph and the cat book? I'm reading the Domestic Church too right now.
wow! You did have a productive week! I love seeing kids with the hands-on material.
Your bread looks yummy and oh-so-good smelling. Could smell it down here!
I was thinking of the flannels...I do the same thing, much later in the year, but we do enjoy flannels when it does turn cooler.
Have a great weekend!
Oh fun, what cute ideas you have! I think I'll just mooch off your curriculum, one week behind ;)
Gardenia-We don't have the cat book, but that is a great gift idea for one of my boys - thanks for the reminder! Our learning table is our kitchen table, the same kitchen table I grew up with. It is virtually indestructible and we can be messy with things and I don't have to worry about it.
Patty-the boys really liked playing with the clay and you know I am not so good about crafty things around here!
Lynn-I am glad you like the ideas, the kids seem to really enjoy them too. Thanks for reading.
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