What We Are Reading→
Lazy B
On my Kindle: The Blessing
Bob is reading The Hobbit
to the boys - very slowly!
Tea Time this week focused on the letter E, with our Eclair Cake treat. We continued to work on memorizing the Woodpecker poem and read another selection about manners
Feast Day We celebrated the Archangels and Guardian Angels feast days this week.

On Tuesday these two hooligans decided it was a good idea to throw things out of a second story bedroom window onto the grass below. When the rest of us noticed a few minutes later, the front yard was littered with paper (art from the boys room), legos, various other little toys and even a few clothes were left artfully dangling above the eaves of the window below. Did I mention it was raining on Tuesday? As if we aren't enough of a freak show in the neighborhood on a regular basis, these two have to raise the bar every once in a while.
Discovery Time
The older boys have been busy making books this week. Books about snakes, Tae Kwon Do, math, and trash/recycling.
Jacob has been reading books about garbage and recycling as well. Trash is his on-going project.
Bird Unit: Reading Burgess Bird Book
and Peeping in the Shell: A Whooping Crane is Hatched
. Several books by Carol Lerner, Backyard Birds of Summer
and Backyard Birds of Winter
. We put apples and raisins out in the feeder with hopes of attracting some Robins that might still be in the area.
Along the Alphabet Path: “E” Week - E was for egg this week. We tied it in with the Bird Unit and spent a lot of time reading about birds hatching from an egg and watched birds hatching on youtube. We enjoyed Baby Birds and How They Grow
, Quack Quack, and we had fun looking at the photos in Discovering Nature’s Alphabet.

Leah is practicing her letters in sign language
We had egg salad sandwiches on Friday as our E food for the week. We made a Humpty Dumpty craft and memorized the nursery rhyme.
Please join in on Wrapping up the Week! Add your post to the linky and check out the others.
Please join in on Wrapping up the Week! Add your post to the linky and check out the others.

Okay, so you totally get the prize for the week for funniest homeschool family moments!!!
Wish I could've been a fly on the wall when those two were in action.
Maybe they'll be studying down in Houston at the Space Center some day...laws of gravity! :)
You also helped us several days this week, thanks! Couldn't get through this adoption without you!
Just loaded "The Blessing" on my Kindle for our trip. :)
I thought we were having a crazy week with our fig fight (yuck!), but you win!! :)
I love the book making- and your tea time. We started tea time a while back, but did not keep it up. That is one thing I'd like to do again.
The Blessing looks interesting. lots of feasts this week to celebrate. have a great weekend.
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