Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January Accomplishments & February Plans

It was good to get back to our routine after Advent and Christmas. They are wonderful holidays to celebrate, but it is nice to get back to "ordinary" time. We have gotten much accomplished so far in January. Jacob and I are still plugging along with history and getting back into the swing of Astronomy. Jacob is really interested in Astronomy and lately we have covered Mars, Venus, and are ready to start on Earth. He started a new phonics book, Explode the Code level 4. It is finally a challenge for him. We are back to using Singapore for math. He enjoys it over Seton and Mammoth, but I am still hoping we will finish using those books as we work our way through the summer. As of right now I don't plan to make too many changes for next year.

Jonah is doing well with Seton math and is almost finished with his book. I am going to try Saxon with him next just because we have it from trying with Jacob. I switched him to "100 Easy Lessons" for reading. Alphaphonics was good but it was moving a bit too quickly for him. He also really enjoys reading Bob books. He is just about finished with his handwriting book from CHC. Not sure if I will stick with CHC for the boys or go back to Seton.

Last night I had some time to come up with some "extras" for us to do in February:

* Candle making for Candlemass

* Groundhog Day coloring

* A "Mystery Vacation" for a couple of days

* Make some bird feeders

* Valentine's edible craft

* Valentine's Cake

* President's Day

-build cabin with Lincoln Logs

- write a letter to the President

- All American Dinner w/ dessert

* Great Backyard Bird Count!

* Washington's Birthday

- read the cherry story

- have a cherry dessert

That should keep us busy during the snowy, cold days of February.........


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