What We Are Reading→
Stories for the Homeschool Heart
On my Kindle: The Blessing
Bob is reading The Hobbit
to the boys
On My Waiting to be Read Pile→
Lucky Girl
Theology of the Body for Beginners
Jane Eyre
Rebuild my Church
Brideshead Revisited
Freshwater Road
Around the House→ I read a statement about having a computer in the kitchen. Basically that it shouldn’t be there, a kitchen is for nourishing body and soul. My laptop is in the kitchen. As I was pondering this statement I thought of how many times I get distracted in the kitchen by just “checking one quick thing”. So, I moved my computer out of the kitchen. Now I am trying to find a small spot in the house to put my computer and some of my stuff. I think I just created a project for myself this weekend! Where have you managed to carve out a spot of your own?
Fall Kitchen→ I am going to try and start doing a bulk of my shopping just twice a month.
Tea Time→ no tea time this week! We took a field trip instead, see below.
Feast Day→ We celebrated St. Francis and Our Lady of the Rosary.
Fall Outings→
Photos from a local nature center

Red-Tail Hawk


Bald Eagle

Discovery Time→
Bird Unit: Reading Burgess Bird Book
We are hoping to wrap up our bird unit next week. While we have been reading the Burgess Bird Book each day, we haven’t done too much else in terms of birds. The weather has been beautiful this week, so we have taken advantage of lots of outside time. Besides I am a big believer that much learning is to be had away from workbooks. Jonah is very anxious to see the new owl movie Legends of the Guardians, and I think it will be a good way to finish our bird unit.
We have spotted several Blue Jays this week. We usually hear them before we can see them. Actually, Jonah hears them before anyone else, then he comes racing to find everyone, then we go racing to the window. All the commotion usually scares the poor bird away!
Along the Alphabet Path: “F” Week - F was for frog and fairy this week. We read several frog books and it was fun to read about St. Francis during F week. We also ate goldfish crackers several times for lunch as well as french fries! We did a few little fairy crafts from a kit I picked up on clearance at the store. I neglected to take pictures, but let's just say I am glad I didn't pay full price for the kit!
Please join in on the fun and link up your week. Hope you have a great weekend!

The Nature Center trip looks fun!
My computer is in our school room in a detached garage. Often, I feel isolated when I come out to work on things, so I would rather have in the house. I can see that I would be more tempted to do a "quick peek" if it was close by though.
I love Brideshead Revisited. It took me a while to get in to it, but it was worth sticking it out.
I'm so glad I'm not the only homeschooling mom letting my kids spend most of their time outside rather than sitting still with workbooks! We have had the best time this week, even though we haven't finished as much academic work as I had planned. It's just been too nice outside.
I'm here from a blog hop, by the way.
Jen~That picture is awesome!!! Totally Christmas card worthy!!
Our computer is in the living room where mom and dad can always flash a pair of supervising eyes on it.
I love your fieldtrip. I bet the kids really enjoyed that.
Glad you had a great week! Time is passing quickly, isn't it?
Forgot to mention that David and I saw Christopher West in Illinois almost 5 years ago. It was amazing and I came out of there thinking...why don't they make this a mandatory class for pre-cana?
The book on rebuilding the church sounds good. where did you hear about it? Those birds are beautiful and your field trip fit in nicely with your bird unit study. My computer is n my office which is also Flower's art room -- where we create at desks next to each other. I try to invite Flower into the room whenever I'm "needing" to be on the computer. so it's still together time though not un-distracted.
Hello! I am your newest follower from a Friday Blog Hop. I would love it if you would follow back at onr or all three of my blogs!
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Happy Friday Jen. I'm new from the Friday Follow and have read about your adoption story. May God continue to bless you.
We adopted our 3rd son and have been considering adopting a daughter. I just clicked your Rainbow Kids link and registered there and have spent the last half hour looking at kids. Wow, there is such a need for families.
You can visit me at
Thanks for all the comments! We have our main computer in our family room, so similar to Patty, we can see what is going on! I am trying to make a little space for my laptop in our school room. A project that involves decluttering and possibly a trip to the store!
Gardenia-the Rebuild my Church book is one I am supposed to be doing a book review on. I need to get going on it! I will let you know how it is soon.
I love the picture of everyone in the tree. Fun!!!
I am really enjoying your blog.
Ahh! I didn't put the finishing touches on my post until this morning (Saturday) and missed Mr. Linky! I did figure out how to get the .jpg. My Wrap-up post is at http://www.homeschoolmo.com/2010/10/wrapping-up-our-week-october-8-2010.html
I'm getting caught up on some blog reading...great post and food for thought! Uh, oh...my laptop is in the kitchen too! One of my thoughts is that it is often while I'm preparing meals (lunch/dinner) or paperwork that I can even take a peek at e-mails or blogs at all. If I am not "multi-tasking", I wouldn't do it. Once our school day has officially started with prayer, I restrict myself from phone calls and computer until lunch break. I check my answering machine about once a morning to make sure I don't miss anything important. Our afternoons are a little more flexible. This is when I need to give myself more restrictions! I would love to hear how others manage their blogging time. It can really be time consuming! Thanks again, Jen:-)
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