are busy ones!
This week we are doing lots of Advent reading and a few crafts, I am working on finishing up some Christmas gifts. We have our first official family Christmas party on the weekend.
Next week we will continue reading as well as shopping/prep for our Christmas Around the World Christmas Day dinner, organizing and wrapping gifts, I am hoping to rally the troops and get some extra cleaning done. Our homekeeping routines have sort of fallen by the wayside this month.
The week after Christmas we will focus at bit on cleaning and decluttering the learning room and getting ready for a fresh start on Jan 3rd. We will also celebrate Leah's birthday on New Year's Eve :)
All this to say that my posting will be sporadic over the next few weeks. Enjoy the rest of your Advent, have a peaceful, safe, and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
❧ I will leave you will a easy, delectable and highly addictive recipe ❧
Pine Bark
35 square soda crackers
1 cup butter
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 t almond extract (although we leave this out!)
1 (6 1/2 ounce) bag semisweet chocolate chips ~ I use an entire 12 ounce bag. Who can leave the other half of the bag uneaten??
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line 15 x 10 inch jelly roll pan with tin foil and spray lightly with nonstick cooking spray. Place crackers, salty side up, in prepared pan. In a saucepan, boil butter and sugar for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add almond extract (if using). Pour over crackers and bake for 6 minutes.
Remove from oven; top with chocolate chips. Spread chocolate evenly over crackers as it begins to melt. Cool slightly and transfer onto wax paper. Allow to cool completely before storing. I usually put it in the freezer to firm up quickly. {Recipe from Nov/Dec 2007 issue of Faith & Family Magazine}
Thanks for reading (and your comments!) in 2010 ~ God Bless!

I thought I would link up an older post today ~ just for fun :)

Also linking up at Catholic Cuisine - be sure to check out other great cookie recipes!
I like the Christmas card that's hanging to the far right - very cute! ;) haha! Merry Christmas Jen! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog in the New Year!! :)
Lisa - It's one of my favorites ;) Merry Christmas to you too!
I am going to finish up a post or two and sign off for a few weeks too! I am looking forward to joining in your "wrap-up" after the new year. My dd is getting married in the beginning of January, so I probably won't be back until after then.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I appreciate all that you share on your blog. Sharing your family life, homeschool endeavors, and adoption experiences and resources is a huge gift and inspiration to your readers. Thank you!
Thanks for linking about your workboxes. Reading your explanation, I realize we do much of the same thing, I just don't put the work into boxes. (I'm not sure where I would put that many boxes...)
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Sounds like almost-Christmas in a busy household - I can echo a lot of it :)Hope you have a wonderful Feast and lots of blessings in the New Year! I'm impressed that you are already thinking ahead to 2011, LOL
Abundant blessings to you and your family!!!
It took me three attempts at leaving a comment before I finally was able to...(too many interuptions!) Then I noticed the Christmas cards...cuuute!
Know what you mean witht he house chores. We put our chores off until this week. Amazing how quickly it gets done when one doesn't have to teach the children! It actaully wasn't that bad.
Make sure you post some birthday picks. What a festive time of the year for you all!
Love the window! and that recipe sounds easy and delicious.
Hi Jen!
Thanks for stopping by my blog about my very similar bark recipe! :) It is so addictive, isn't? Thanks for sharing your wonderful family and posts with all your 2010 visitors. Have a blessed and Merry Christmas!
God bless!
I was over at Tracy's blog and saw you posted a similar recipe. I can hardly wait to try it. Have a very Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year! I look forward to reading more posts in 2011. =)
I love the idea of cleaning and decluttering after Chritmas and before the New Year! Sounds like you have a lovely Christmas planned! Many blessings for a wonderful Christmas!
Deb @
Jen, we are doing the same next week. Baking and shopping, looking forward to time with family. I think taking the week following Christmas to recoup the Learning room is a great idea and very much needed around here! I also wanted to thank you for your Christmas Journal post. I love it! "See" you soon. Christmas Blessings to you. - Kat
You're the second person to post that recipe, so it must be good, but it sounds so weird (not to mention, to easy to be true). I'm going to have to give it a try! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We love that recipe too:-) I "hear"ya on the off-routine in household! We will definitely have to begin the New Year re-grouping as well. Peace and hope to you these final days of Advent!
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