Jim and I have been married for 13 years and have 3 biological children and 1 blessing through adoption. Madeline (11), Marney (9), Owen (6), and Ben (2), already, we forget which one was adopted.
First, please give a brief overview of your family: how many children, how old they are etc.

Adoption was never on our radar screen as a young married couple. We easily conceived 3 children with no fertility issues. We probably never would have thought much about adoption if it had not been for my sister and brother-in-law. They brought home our first nephew home from Russia 9 years ago, and since then have taught us much about the beauty and challenges of adoption. As their family grew, we would often look at our nieces and nephews, and wonder what their lives would be like had they never joined our family. It was painful to consider that they may never have had a family to call their own.
1. What led you to adoption?
"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and knows our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act."
I have, for reasons I can't explain, always felt that I was going to be the Mother of a child with Down syndrome. Throughout my three pregnancy's, I felt at peace with the possibility it could happen, in fact I was practically convinced it would. I didn't have most of the diagnostic testing that I could have, because it simply didn't matter what kind of child God decided to give us.
God had other plans, he decided to give us 3 wonderful "typical" children. Funny guy. We felt so lucky and happy to have those three healthy, smart, and beautiful kids. We are truly blessed, and so not worthy. They bring so much joy to our lives.
Even though life was busy and fulfilling, we never lost our heart for children with special needs. When God opened our eyes and our hearts to adoption, it seemed only natural to hope that he would match us with a child with Down syndrome. It was an "ah ha" moment. This was why he had planted that feeling in our hearts so many years ago, he wanted us to step out in a way we could never have imagined.
And thus began our adoption adventure...
Having a sister and brother-in-law who are so knowledgeable about adoption, and such a source of encouragement was priceless.
2. What was most helpful in the beginning of your journey?
Dr. Ray Guarendi's book "Adoption, Choosing it, Living it, and Loving it
3. What were/are your favorite adoption resources?
Whatever it took, short of begging. However, we are not proud people, and would have resorted to begging if need be!
4. How did you fund your adoption?
We originally started out thinking we would adopt domestically, but God kept closing that door. It was not until we found Ben on a waiting child list that things began to happen, so we felt that this was the direction we were supposed to go.
5. Why did you choose International/Domestic/Foster?
Go for it!
6. Anything you would say to encourage those still on the fence?
We are currently in Armenia completing our adoption, so we have only had Ben for about 2 weeks. So far the adjustment has been very smooth. He is a happy, easy going little guy. He has a few issues we are working on, but overall we could not be more thrilled with how quickly we have bonded.
7. Any adjustments/challenges with your child/children
My secret biggest fear was that I would never be able to love Ben like I love the children I gave birth to. That fear was put to rest the moment I held Ben in my arms for the first time. There was an instant, unexplainable connection.
8. What was your biggest fear?
So far, our greatest blessing has been finally getting our hands on this boy! He is such a joy. We cannot wait to get him home, and introduce him to the rest of our family.
9. What has been your greatest blessing?

Just wanted to say a big thank you to all the families who shared their stories throughout the month of November. A big thank you too to all of my readers, even though you may not read this blog because you have an interest in adoption. I am so thankful that you all decided to tag along for the ride!
God Bless and Happy Advent!